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Foot Ulcers
iabetic ulcers are the most These conditions can destroy nerve Southwest Regional Wound Care
widely recognized foot cells, thereby causing numbness, Center is a medical center in Lubbock
Dinjuries that lead to lower tingling and pain. that specializes in the healing of
extremity amputation. Physicians wounds. Our services include
have a crucial job in the anticipation Foot issues, like ingrown toenails, Biofilm Based Wound Care, Diabetic
and prevention of diabetic foot dry skin, callus skin, and skin Foot Care and Ulcer Management,
complexities. breakdown, may go unnoticed Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment,
unless you check your feet daily for Venous Disease Management and
The most well-known risk factors open injuries. Diabetes also hinders Vascular Studies.
leading to ulcers include diabetic normal wound healing.
neuropathy, foot disfigurement, and We have an advanced wound care
peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Symptoms of Diabetic Foot facility for the treatment of all
Ulcers wounds. If you have a diabetic foot
A cautious physical examination and ulcer, we provide proper education
non-invasive test for blood vessel The ability to recognize diabetic foot regarding foot hygiene, nail care, and
inadequacy can identify patients ulcer symptoms is very crucial for footwear, all of which significantly
susceptible to foot ulcers and also early treatment and cure. Diabetic reduce the risk of sustaining an injury
identify patients who already have foot ulcers that are not treated that could lead to the formation of
ulcers or other diabetic foot diseases. on time can lead to permanent a foot ulcer. We also provide and
disfigurement or lower extremity administer all necessary antibacterial,
The risk of lower extremity amputation. Symptoms include: antibiotic, and other medications that
amputations is 15 to 46 times higher will hasten the
in diabetic patients than in people • Numbness of the feet due to diabetic healing process for
who don't have diabetes mellitus. neuropathy your ulcer.
According to the American Podiatric • Discoloration, swelling, and warmth
Medical Association (APMA), around the sore We are a leader in
approximately 15% of patients with • Pain and firmness around the sore the treatment of
diabetes have foot ulcers. • Thickened skin around the sore wounds that are
• Bad smell and discharge from the sore hard to heal.
Causes of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Treatment of Diabetic Foot
The feet of an individual with Ulcers
diabetes are especially defenseless to
neuropathy because of inadequate Complications, such as bone Dr. Wolcott is a Certified Wound
blood flow and unchecked glucose infection, skin and deep tissue Specialist Physician with over 10 years
level. infection, may arise if a diabetic of wound care experience. The Southwest
foot ulcer is not treated in a timely Regional Wound Care Center bridges
Neuropathy happens when the manner. Early referral to a wound the gap between medicine and science to
blood vessels that supply nerves care specialist for preventative care utilize the most effective and innovative
wound treatments.
with oxygen and nutrients are not and healing can help avoid these
working effectively or are damaged. complications.
20 Lubbock Senior Link