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P. 67
Jack was from the West Texas
area, and when his naval duty
was completed, they moved
to Lubbock in 1971 for him to
attend Texas Tech. Nelda found
a job in the medical community.
Finally, she was getting to use
her nursing training. The two
doctors she worked for during a
ten- year period were Dr. Travis
Bridwell and Dr. Travis Casler.
Her son, Eric, was born during
her time with Dr. Bridwell.
For four months, in 1981, Nelda and her colleagues early in her career
State Farm tried to convince
her to give them a try—at one
point sending a regional vice the president of these organizations: American Business
president to talk to her. It was a difficult decision because Women’s Association (ABWA), United Methodist Women
she truly loved her nursing career, but “Finally (I’m not (U.M.W.), and Insurance Financial Advisors.
stupid!!!) I said okay.”
After a successful and fulfilling career, Nelda’s last day
Paralleling her working career, music had always been with State Farm was August 30, 2019. Over the last 40
a part of Nelda’s life. She remembers listening to her years, she has seen many more female State Farm agents
mother’s beautiful singing voice her entire childhood. enter the business. In fact, insurance agents in the 2020s
Nelda used her gift of singing with the choir at First are as likely to be female as male, but as the first female
Methodist Church in Lubbock for many years. She also State Farm agent in Lubbock, Nelda Jett did not shrink
helped begin the Lubbock Boys’ Choir. Eric, in his youth, from the challenge. She paved the way.
was part of that group. He is still a singer, and the family
singing history continues. Nelda is the proud
grandma of Addie Bleu who has, for several years,
performed at the Cactus Theater.
When she finally said “yes” to State Farm, her
career with them lasted for nearly 38 years. She
spent her first two years sharing an office with
Jesse Powell, another new agent, and then moved
into her own office space at various locations. Her
last office address was 3833 50th St.
To get her business started, she sent out letters,
talked to people, and gave her business card
to anyone she met—at meetings, church, and
everywhere else. Because of her dedication and
hard work over the years, she experienced steady
Besides giving attention to the progress and
development of her business, she was also busy
with many other endeavors. She spent time as
Lubbock Senior Link 67