Page 66 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 66
Nelda Jett
Paving the Way
By LaVila Henry
he opportunity arose, and About her
though she loved her position mother, Nelda
Tin the medical field, she was noted: “Mother
convinced that this change would be took care of
beneficial. On January 1, 1982, Nelda the home and
Jett became the first female State family, and she
Farm Insurance agent in Lubbock. did it well. She
taught us to do
The tenth child and baby of the things right the
family of Horace Greeley Jett and first time—or
Willie Irene Jett, Nelda was born and do it again. She
raised in Dalton, Georgia. Her dad read her Bible
was the owner of a grocery store, but every night
the family business fell prey to the and prayed.
Great Depression, and everything We shared that
was lost. However, Horace was able with her if we
to find work with other stores and were awake.
keep the family afloat. She also sang
a lot while working. I got my voice cost of going to the class to become
from her.” a licensed practical nurse (LPN).
Because she did exceptionally well
At the age of 14, Nelda started a at Hamilton Memorial, she was
part time job at the local drugstore awarded a three-year scholarship
while attending high school. She to Erlanger School of Nursing in
always loved school, and her grades Chattanooga, Tennessee.
showed it.
After she had completed two and a
In August of 1966, a few months half years of her three-year training,
after her high school graduation, her future husband, Jack Short,
the mayor’s wife came into the asked for her hand in marriage.
drugstore where Nelda was working He had ten months left of his naval
and told her about a one-year commitment and wanted her to
nursing program at Hamilton marry him and move to San Diego
Memorial, their local hospital, to complete his assignment. She
and suggested she check into it. didn’t want to abandon her training,
She did. In the four years she had but her father was near death and
worked at the drugstore, she had told her she should do it. “He
managed to save $325.00 in pennies, wanted to see his baby married
which happened to be the exact before he died!!”
66 Lubbock Senior Link