Page 69 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 69
and women to check on them and were married at Bacon Heights that there is simply nothing left for
simply maintain contact. Baptist Church where Joyce you, just remember, “It’s 3 o’clock
has played the keyboard every somewhere!”
Upon calling Keith, they Sunday for 50 years, and where
discovered that both were in Keith was asked to serve as a
“family-mandated quarantine” deacon after joining the church
and that neither of them had been to worship alongside his bride.
in contact with another person for Their mid-pandemic, Christmas-
weeks. It was then they decided themed wedding with masks
it would be “safe” for them to get that appropriately read “I do,”
together and play some cards! and “Me, too!” reminds us that
Possessing high morals and being beauty can be found in the
the gentleman that he is, Keith felt darkest of times and places.
as though afternoon visits, rather Now, more than two years later,
than evening visits, would be at ages 80 and 85, these two are
the most appropriate time to get as determined as ever to live life
together. Thus began an 89-day to its fullest. They have already
stretch of “cards and cocktails” traveled to Mackinac Island,
every day at 3:00 pm. The phrase, the Ark, the Creation Museum,
“It’s 3 o’clock somewhere,” Branson, Ruidoso, and family Joyce & Keith Hewett
became a running joke between reunions. It is rumored that an Married December 5, 2020
the two of them and, later, among Alaskan Cruise is on the schedule
their friends and family. They for this year.
enjoyed their time together and
eventually wanted to venture “At our age,
out for a change of pace. Keith we started too
recalls, “Finally, just wanting to late to count
get out and about, we would pack all the years,
a picnic lunch and drive to places so instead,
like Canyon, Clovis, Portales, and we count the
the 6666 Ranch, where we would 5th of each wisdom inspired senior education
either find a picnic table or simply month as our
eat in the car.” anniversary! A place for
January 5th
During these drives, they had of this year, seniors to
many conversations covering we celebrated belong!
an array of topics, “marriage” our “Silver
never being one of them, until a Anniversary” Join Lake Ridge’s W.I.S.E.
trip to Ruidoso in August 2020. as we have (Wisdom Inspired Senior
Joyce remembers it vividly. “One now been Education) group for
afternoon, we were sitting on the married for dinners, events, and ©2021 MKJ Marketing
patio, watching the deer. We, 25 months!” workshops on the 1 and 3
neither one, can remember why or So, when you Tuesday of every month.
how the word ‘marriage’ popped think that life Topics include:
up mid-conversation, but Keith has passed • Health & Wellness
looked at me and said, ‘Well, if you by, that • Safety & Prevention
we’re talking about marriage, I you’re too old • Changes As We Age PRESENTED
guess I should propose to you.’” to enjoy all Join us as we BY LAKE RIDGE
ha l & emo ia esigne
On December 5, 2020, the two that life has continue to WISE up!
to offer, or
Event coordinator: (806) 698-8085
Laura Landes
Lubbock Senior Link 69