Page 72 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 72
by: Kara Copeland MBA, BSN, RN, BeyondFaith Hospice Administrator
hree months ago, Don spent home care aide, social worker, church services every Sunday and
his days sitting in his recliner, and chaplain. In collaboration was even able to sing the hymns he
Tconstantly wearing oxygen with his doctor, his medications so dearly loved and had missed. Don
– too weak to even walk around were reviewed, and a few were had good and bad days, but he was
his home. The inability to breathe changed. His hospice nurse was better prepared for both after the
comfortably, even after the smallest able to fully explain each one and discussions he had shared with his
amount of exertion, had diminished advise him of the best times and nurse and social worker. Life became
his quality of life significantly. Due ways to take them to increase their enjoyable again, and he looked
to a waning appetite, he had lost effectiveness. In a short time, Don forward to each new day.
fifteen pounds in just two months. noticed improvements in his level of
Two years previously, he had been function, and he began to feel better When his pastor revisited him, Don
diagnosed with chronic obstructive than he had in months. expressed his appreciation to him for
pulmonary disease (commonly sharing with him about the benefits
known as COPD), and there had Before Don was introduced to hospice services offered. Don now
recently been a definite decline in his hospice, he struggled with the idea says, “I always thought hospice was
overall condition. that life, as he had known it, was something you went on when you
over. He was unable to find meaning were dying. I have benefited so much
During a visit from his pastor, Don in things and felt as if his condition from them. Now I know that hospice
learned that hospice services could had consumed his happiness. Shortly is not about dying; it is about living!”
possibly provide assistance to him. after hospice began to assist him, Don
Hospice began supporting Don was able to attend his grandchildren’s
the next day – providing a nurse, sporting events. He started attending
72 Lubbock Senior Link