Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 61

for a long time. And they still have
                                                                                 a lot of fun together, even after
                                                                                 52 years of marriage. In fact, they
                                                                                 produced evidence in the form of
                                                                                 a photo documenting how they
                                                                                 celebrated their golden anniversary
                                                                                 – white-water rafting with their
                                                                                 family. They are thriving.
                                                                                 Gwen was always fond of saying,
                                                                                 “There goes my red Mustang,”
                                                                                 whenever one would pass by.
                                                                                 Fred has a small but impressive
                                                                                 collection of nifty vehicles. He
                                                                                 purchased a classic red Mustang
                                                                                 just so his sweetheart can enjoy
                                                                                 having one all the time. A lifetime
                                                                                 of sowing love has reaped a
           Fred retired early, at 62, so he   his rental/storage partner, Chuck   bountiful harvest that follows the
           could focus on ministry. Gwen      Humphries, were instrumental in    Willises everywhere. To everyone
           thought he was crazy. But          overseeing the completion of the   who knows them, they are
           following in the footsteps of a    Mayer Chapel on the Formby Unit,   beloved.
           mentor, Fred began to share the    the only chapel built inside a Texas
           gospel in weekly Bible teaching    prison through
           services with folks in four senior   the work of
           living facilities in Plainview, and   volunteers.
           he has continued in that for twenty   They did a lot
           years. He has also been a Gideon   of the hands-
           about that long. To support his    on work
           ministry habit, Fred bought rental   themselves.
           and storage property, and had a
           soft drink and snack vending route   Fred and
           for a time. He is resourceful.     Gwen Willis
                                              have been
           He and fellow Gideon Darwin Cox    instrumental
           taught the Experiencing God Bible   in advancing
           Study to inmates at the Formby     God’s
           Unit for about five years, until   kingdom in the       Senior safety and
           COVID put a hold on it. Fred and   Plainview area
                                                                   wellbeing is what we do

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                 When you have finished enjoying these goodies, please fill
                 the plate with another treat and deliver to the neighbor on
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                 your right along with this same note. Let's see if the goodwill
                 plate will make it all the way around the block."      Uplifting In-Home Care  |
                                                                     © 2020 CK Franchising, Inc. Most offices independently owned and operated.  0720

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