Page 63 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 63


                                               of him. In the wide-open spaces,   “If you’re wondering whether you
                                               he taught his grandsons the value   should go to the family member’s
                                               of rising early, hard work, and   wedding, you should,” Bill said.
                                               commitment to family. The rolling
                                               green hills of their Texas ranch   Tell the stories over and
                                               turned out to be a great place to   over again.
                                               circle the wagons, gathering family   Whether they be real or urban
                                               together to share the wins and    legends, they bring life to the party!
                                               losses of life. There were weddings,   Be sure to tell the next generation
                                               celebrations, big family picnics,   and the next generation grandpa’s
                                               and times to grieve the loss of two   tales of glory.
                                               of their three sons and reconnect to   See each other through
                                               life.                             God’s eyes.
                                                                                 Love the sinners and the saints. See
                                               Grace and gumption are the
                                               things that keep a family together,   the best in each other through all
                                               courageously doing the next right   your differences.  You can disagree,
                                               thing, one day at a time, and living   still love, and leave the rest to God.
                                               in the infinite colors of grace. Here   Not very many of us will experience
                                               are a few tips Bill and Sally learned   the extraordinary achievement of

            with a very successful children’s   along the way:                   70+ years together, but Bill and
            dentistry practice.  Filled with   Always be family.                 Sally have demonstrated that it’s
            grace, their care for children and   Teach identity.                 not so much where you are going as
            low-income families extended       Be available.                     whom you are with.
            beyond West Texas to Guatemala,    Be present.
            where they made many trips to      Stay committed.
            serve on medical teams.
                                               Stay connected.                  “
            “Gumption” – it’s a cowboy word.   Talk often. Don’t gossip, but give    Promise me you’ll always
            Always ready to learn something    good reports on how loved ones are    remember: You’re braver
            new, Bill and Sally retired to a   doing and support any needs that      than you believe, stronger
            ranch on the Puluxy River where    arise.
            he tried to be a cowboy. Make no                                         than you seem, and
            mistake, he is a city boy, but there   Sally’s advice: “Well, we have each   smarter than you think.
            is an adventurous wrangler inside   other’s phone numbers.  Just stay in
                                               touch.”                               -Winnie the Pooh

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                                               moments.                                                    ”
                                               new babies,          Medicare Supplements
                                               and funerals
                                               can be                         David B. Lewallen
                                               acknowledged,                     independent agent
                                               even across the
                                               miles.  Make an          2815 74th St                 P.O. Box 53957
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                                               the moment in a         (806) 792-7510               fax (806) 799-8153
                                               personal way.
                                                                     Doing business locally for over 38 years

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