Page 58 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 58

the side of a big wave, and the   I worked at different Mobay
                                                   back would come up, bending    Chemical plants for 27 years.
                                                   some of the propellers. The    One was near New Martinsville,
                                                   joint in the middle of the ship   West Virginia, where I built our
                                                   tried to separate, and we did   home. We moved to the border of
                                                   some beating on that joint     a national park, to a place called
                                                   with a sledgehammer to keep    ‘Slim Chance Mountain’. I built a
                                                   it together, or the ship might   four bedroom, three-bath house,
                                                   have broken in half!”          and we lived there for 17 years.
                                                                                  We had three sons, but one died
                                                   With his ship in drydock in    shortly after birth. We somehow
                                                   San Diego, Shaw spent the      put both our other boys, Robert
                                                   remainder of his time in the   and Dennis, through college.
                                                   Navy doing maintenance.        Dennis died in 2008 at age 50. His
                                                   “We had ships to paint         older brother was a Texas Tech
                                                   and re-paint, checking all     professor for 36 years.”
                                                   the watertight hatches, fire
                                                   extinguishers and the like.”    Robert’s daughter-in-law,
                                                                                  Laverne, says, “He must be doing
                                                   Robert had met Betty in a      something all the time. He learned
                                                   small Arkansas town before     to play the guitar at South Plains
                                                              he went into        College from John Hartin and even
                                                              the service, and    tried the piano. He just painted the
                                                              they had kept       garage floor. He can fix anything.”
                                                              in touch.  They
                                                              married in          Robert’s wife Betty passed away
                                                              June 1947. He       in 2010 after 63 years of marriage.
                                                              went to work        He has now “been seeing a lovely
                                                              in the oilfield     lady for 12 years.” He also went on
                                                              in Bartlesville,    the 2016 Texas South Plains Honor
                                                              Oklahoma for        Flight and enjoyed seeing all the
                                                              a time and          memorials and museums. Looking
                                                              then worked         back on his life, Robert said he
                                                              for Bussman         would like to be remembered for
                                                              & Pathridge,        “doing my duty and always doing
                                                              who had oil         the right thing.” His memories
                                                              leases. “I ran      of the Navy may have been
                                                              one in Kansas.      characterized as explosive but,
                                                              Later, I joined     as Robert Shaw approaches his
                                                              Local Union 83      93rd birthday, he is the epitome
                                                              in Wheeling,        of stable, dependable, and hard-
                                                              West Virginia       working. His mama would be
                                                              and started         proud.
                                                              pipefitting in
                                                              1951 for different

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