Page 57 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 57


            ships – ARLs [Auxiliary                                                      just sold for scrap. We
            Repair Light] – designed                                                     would tow in crippled
            for repairing the                                                            ships, like an aviation
            damage that frequently                                                       barge that still had fuel
            occurred to smaller                                                          in it. Some we towed to
            vessels.)                                                                    Kwajalein or transferred
                                                                                         to an LST (Landing
            After arriving in                                                            Ship, Tank).
            Kwajalein, Marshall
            Islands, in March,                                                           “When we headed back
            the Creon took part in                                                       home to Long Beach,
            “Operation Crossroads”,                                                      California, we were
            part of the Navy’s                                                           hit by a huge storm en
            atomic weapons testing.                                                      route, and it took us 28
            Only seven nuclear                 to a platform 90 feet below the           days to get back The
            bombs existed in July 1946.        surface of the water. Several     Creon had a pretty flat-bottomed
            Robert recalled, “We were going    more ships were sunk. One         hull. The bow would go down
            to watch the testing of three      heavy cruiser
            atomic bombs, known as Able,       was so hot
            Baker, and Charlie. (The first test   from radiation
            was named Able. The bomb was       that we had to
            named Gilda after a 1946 movie     sink it. Charlie
            starring Rita Hayworth. The        was never
            second bomb was called Helen       dropped.  Too
            of Bikini because it was dropped   much damage
            on the evacuated Bikini Atoll.)    had been done
            Gilda was dropped (from a B-29     to the target
            Superfortress) and exploded        ships.”
            (500 ft.) above the target. They
            told us to squat down behind the   Trained as a
            ship’s rail and cover our heads    Shipfitter 3rd
            with our hands. When the bomb      Class, the rest
            went off, I stood up and looked    of Robert’s
            right at the blast. I could see    service was
            fireballs in the mushroom cloud.   spent “picking
            We were supposed to be eight       up a lot of
            miles away from the blast but      damaged
            had drifted to within six miles.   equipment
            The shock wave really rocked us.   left over
            I lost my footing and cut a place   from WWII,
            over my eye when I fell. Several   like a rocket
            (decommissioned or captured)       launcher that
            target ships were sunk. Bomb       we repaired,
            number two, Helen, was attached    and the Navy

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