Page 66 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 66


            Paul R. Beane                                                                          farmers, we
                                                                                                   moved to
                                                                                                   That’s where
                                                                                                   his baby sister
         The Colorful                                                                              joined the
                                                                                                   Mary Beth

         Character                                                                                 When Paul

                                                                                                   was a junior
                                                                                                   at Greenville
         from           Stumptoe                                                                   High School,
                                                                                                   the manager

          by Jane Bromley                                                                          of the local
                                                                                                   radio station,
                                                                                                   KGVL, offered
                                                                                                   him a job as a
            t is said that                                  Stumptoe in Hunt                       DJ, which he
            people who                                      County, Texas on     took to like a duck to water. “After
         Ihold strong                                       February 17th of     I graduated, I immediately moved
          convictions only                                  either 1939 or 1940.   to Sulphur Springs, where I worked
          see the world in                                  (The birth year is a   at KSST for a year and a half. Bill
          black and white.                                  mystery.) J.T. and   Bradford taught me fabulous
          Perhaps it could also                             Mary Beane were      lessons in broadcasting and life. In
          be said that those                                sharecroppers.       1959, I accepted a job at KTUE in
          same people are the                               He was born at       Tulia as their morning announcer.
          colorful ones in an                               home in a little     I'd always heard if you came to
          otherwise gray sea of                             three-room house     West Texas, it didn't matter who
          compromise.                                       with no indoor       your parents were or if you had
                                                            plumbing – the       money, you could get a job if you
          Colorful is just one                              third of three boys.   were willing to work.
          of many adjectives
          that can be used to                               Times were tough.    “The station signed off at sundown,
          characterize Paul                                 An elderly black     so, in the evenings, I hung out with
          R. Beane. He is also                              man, Aaron           a couple of buddies. One was a
          energetic, passionate,                            Washington,          professional card player, and the
          opinionated, and                                  affectionately       other owned an ambulance service.
          fearless. His story                               called “Uncle A”,    We called up these girls to see if
          has so many twists                                cared for little     they wanted to get together. They
          and turns that a                                  Paul while his       asked what we did, so I told them.
          person could get                                  parents worked in    Immediately, I heard, ‘Click!’, but
          dizzy just reading                                the cotton fields.   we went over anyway. That's when
          it, but Paul has                                  His Aunt Clara       I met Frances. We married June 17,
          enthusiastically                                  Beane was his        1960.”
          embraced his life                                 first-grade teacher
          like a rodeo cowboy                               in a one-room        Not long after, Paul took a job in
          takes a bull by the                               school that housed   DeRidder, Louisiana. It was “a
          horns.                                            all twelve grades.   really good job”, but they were
                                                            In 1948, “after      expecting their first child. “I quit
          He was born in                                    the bank decided     when Frances was six months
          the tiny village of                               we shouldn't be      pregnant. No offense, but I did

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