Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 36


                      DEALING WITH


         By: Sydney Wenglein, M.S., LMFT-A

               hough many people look        Self-Care                            been shown to reduce stress. It is
               forward to holidays, the joyful   Grief affects people physically,   normal for joy and grief to coexist, and
         Tanticipation is not universal.     mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.   it is in no way disrespectful to the loved
         In fact, most people going through   Getting enough rest and nourishing   one nor does it minimize the longing
         grief may find themselves dreading   the body can help minimize exhaustion   for the loved one or love felt for a loved
         holidays. They might even wish they   and illness. Healthy coping techniques,   one.
         could go to sleep until the festivities   such as taking a hot bath, listening
         are over, due to the sorrow of going   to music, going for a walk or drive,   Honor and Remember
         through the season without a loved   journaling, or calling a friend can also   Loved One
         one.                                help reduce stress and intense feelings   Memorializing a loved one in a
                                             that can occur with the holiday season.  way that is meaningful can help
         Although there is no perfect solution                                    the bereaved navigate the holiday
         to take away the pain that comes with   Ask for Help/Needs               season and start new traditions that
         the holidays while experiencing grief,   People often associate the holidays   incorporate the memory of the loved
         there are some suggestions that can   with giving, and with expressing love   one. A helpful tip: If trying something
         help the bereaved navigate the season   and compassion to others. Taking   new does not help or work, there is no
         a little more smoothly and minimize   advantage of people’s offers to assist   need to keep doing it! Try other ideas
         the intense feelings that are often   can help the bereaved feel supported   that feel more helpful. There is no right
                                             and minimize loneliness, while also   or wrong way to do things. Some ideas
         One of the most difficult parts of   giving others the opportunity to offer   to consider include:
         grief is loss of control, which leads to   support however it may be needed.
         feelings of insecurity and instability.   Friends and family cannot read minds,   • Cooking a loved one’s favorite dish
         By considering some of the following   so asking for help and voicing needs is
         points, bereaved families and       important and helps them feel needed.  • Giving money or donations to a
         individuals can start to regain control,                                  charity or nursing home that a loved
         plan, and anticipate steps helpful   Permission to Grieve                 one appreciated or was connected to
         toward grief recovery.              The holiday season will not be the
                                             same without a loved one, and it is ok   • Listening to music or watching a
         Plan Ahead                          to feel frustrated, sad, and depressed.   movie a loved one enjoyed
         Be proactive and decide which tasks   Accepting these feelings and giving
         for the day are most important. Keep   yourself permission to grieve and   • Offering a prayer or toast to the
         in mind, the anticipation of the holiday   feel anxious is normal and part of the   loved one over a meal with family
         can often feel more painful than the   grief experience, especially during
         actual day itself. Having goals to   the holidays. Also, give yourself   • Hanging a stocking for a loved one
         accomplish, including ways to honor   permission to enjoy an activity or   and encouraging family to write
         and remember a loved one can help the   have moments of happiness. Some   special notes to put in the stocking
         day pass more easily. Starting a new   bereaved people feel guilty if they   (Family members can read them
         tradition that incorporates the memory   experience happiness, but the emotion   aloud over dinner or on Christmas
         of a loved one can help.            is appropriate, especially when       Eve or Day.)
                                             surrounded by loved ones, and has

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