Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021- Online Magazine
P. 18

Pavilion, adjacent to Jones
             AT&T Stadium. Named for
             major donor and alumnus
             David P. Frazier and his
             father, George H. Frazier, it
             opened in 1999 and became
             the site of pre-game activities,
             meetings, weddings, banquets
             and even high school proms.
             The pavilion was expanded
             again in 2019.
             Just as the facilities grew,
             so did the association. The
             Century Club, founded in the
             early 1960s, held an annual    The McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center (Photo by Daley Smith)
             dinner for members. The
             association introduced the       In 1999, the association revived   is a favorite photo destination. It
             Distinguished Alumni Awards in   the school ring tradition with an   stands at the southeast edge of
             1966.                            official ring design that became   the McKenzie-Merket grounds.
                                              available exclusively to graduates
             A recent addition is the 1923    or juniors in good standing.      In 2021, the Texas Historical
             Society, comprised of top-level   TTAA also created the Ring       Commission dedicated a Texas
             donors. They receive a welcome   Ceremony, when the university     State Historical Subject Marker
             package with a membership        president presents students with   honoring the association. Near
             certificate, lapel pin and car decal   their rings.                the southeast entrance to the
             and communications aimed                                           McKenzie-Merket Alumni
             toward members. They also are    A six-foot three-inch bronze of   Center, the bronze marker
             recognized in the Texas Techsan   the ring was cast by Deep in the   documents the long history of
             and invited to special 1923      Heart Foundry in Bastrop, Texas,   alumni service and commitment
             Society events.                  in 2011. “Two Tons of Tradition”   to Texas Tech.

                                                                                “The TTAA has evolved over
                                                                                the years in support of Texas
                                                                                Tech and its alumni,” Langford
                                                                                concludes. “Since the pandemic,
                                                                                we’ve adapted in many ways,
                                                                                expanding our reach and
                                                                                relevance. Membership matters
                                                                                now more than ever to help fulfill
                                                                                our mission.

                                                                                “We’re indebted to our
                                                                                loyal, longtime members for
                                                                                contributing to our association’s

             The Frazier Alumni Pavilion (Photo by Scott Williams)

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