Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 62

James "Jim" Smith                           ... and His Compatriots with


                                                               by LaVila Henry

                                                          part of the “Check     time to time to make sure they
                                                          Point Charlie”         were always ready should an
                                                          team securing the      enemy attack.
                                                          autobahn. Next, in
                                                          the Chicago area, he   It was in Alaska that Jim
                                                          was assigned to        met his first wife, Sherri. She
                                                          guard a missile        was studying agriculture
                                                          sight. That            at Alaska State University.
                                                          assignment included    They met at his part-time
                                                          guard dogs to help     job as a security officer for a
                                                          secure the area.       local store. Sherri was from
                                                          Though most dog        Lubbock; Jim had never heard
                                                          trainers went to       of Lubbock before they met. His
                                                          school at Lackland     first visit was to meet Sherri’s
                                                          AFB, Jim’s dog-        family.
                                                          handling skills came   The last assignment before being
                                                          about when a           stationed in Vietnam was in Fort
                                                          fellow soldier’s       Richie, Maryland, where his
                                                          discharge left Jim     job was to guard the air
                                                          taking care of the     shafts that circulated fresh
                                                          sentry dogs.  His      air into a huge underground
                                                          expertise came         building called the “underground
                                                          from on-the-job        pentagon”. Sherri joined him
                                                          training with help     there, and they were married.
                                                          from those around
                                                          him. Eventually, he    In 1966, he volunteered to go to
                                                          acquired the           Vietnam. After taking Sherri to
               t was the morning after a fire   military dog training manuals
               fight in Vietnam that Jim’s     to aid him in his newly           stay with her family in Lubbock
            Ilife dramatically changed.        obtained responsibilities. His    while he was deployed, he was
            Until that point, his desire had   beloved, smart, and well-         on his way. Once again, he found
            been to make the military his      trained German Shepherd named     himself in charge of the sentry
            lifetime career.                   Tina accompanied him from         dogs. Units like his were
                                                                                 stationed all over Vietnam
            His 13 years of military           assignment to assignment.         to guard against the nightly
            service started in 1954 at the     From Chicago, Jim was sent
            age of 17 when, as a patriot,      to Portage, Alaska (a town
            he joined the Army; he loved       that was later destroyed in
            it. After his basic training       the 1964 earthquake), across
            in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, he      the bay from Anchorage. His
            was equipped to be part of the     security responsibilities included
            military police and security.      four dog sentry teams. By
            His first assignment was to        night, he was involved
            Tokyo, Japan and then on           in securing atomic warheads, and
            to camp Leroy Johnson in New       by day, he oversaw the safety
            Orleans, where he joined the       of all the classified documents
            CID (Criminal Investigation        on the base. There were
            Division). From there he was       surprise practice alerts from
            sent to Berlin, Germany and was

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