Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 52

Charles Curtis
                                                               Hometown Hero

                                                               by Tekisha Curtis Thomas

                                                            was transferred      Infantry Division.  He also was
                                                            to Loring AFB,       a switchboard operator in the
                                                            Maine for his        104th Engineer Company.  In
                                                            first assignment.    July 1971, Charles reenlisted for
                                                            There he became      six more years.  The military was
                                                            a part of the 3rd    changing his life.  When the end
                                                            Missile Battalion.    of his second tour in Vietnam
                                                            In February 1963,    came to an end, he was sent to
                                                            Charles was          Fort Meade, Maryland as a Senior
                                                            transferred to       Welder.  He stayed there until
                                                            Zweibrücken Air      October 1971 when he was sent
                                                            Base, Germany,       back to Germany for his second
                                                            where he became      tour abroad.  This tour lasted
                                                            a launcher           until October 1975.
                                                            He stayed in         Charles was at the top of his
                                                            Germany until        game when it came to welding
                                                            December 1965.       – so knowledgeable that he was
                                                            Shortly after,       named a welding instructor at the
                                                            he became an         very school that taught him so
                                                            AIT student in       much.  He became an instructor
                                                            welding school       there until 1978.   Before he was
                                                            at Fort Lewis,       given his last assignment in
                                                            Washington.          Germany, Charles flew home on
                                                                                 leave and married the love of his
                                                            Upon the             life, Joyce Meeks, in December
                                                            completion of        1976.  They had attended Slaton
                   e was born Charles Lee                   welding school,
                   Curtis on November          Charles was sent back to Fort
            H26, 1943, to Charlie and          Lewis, Washington as a welder
            Georgia Curtis, in Slaton and      in the 45th  Chemical Company.
            raised on a farm near the small    The next year, he was sent to
            town of Wilson.  His life wasn’t   Vietnam for his first of several
            always easy, but it was one that   tours there.  On his first tour, he
            was filled with love and laughter.    served one year and was able to
            At the age of 14, Charles lost his   enhance his skills as a welder.
            mother to cancer, and his life     He was so good at his job as a
            was never the same.  After his     welder that he was sent back to
            17th birthday, he convinced his    Aberdeen, Maryland to become
            father to give him permission to   a welding instructor at the
            join the Army.  He saw it as an    Aberdeen Proving Grounds.  In
            opportunity for a better future    May 1968, Charles was promoted
            and a wonderful career.            to Platoon Sergeant.  It was one
                                               of many promotions.
            Charles enlisted in the Army on
            July 21, 1962, and by the 30th, he   In July 1970, Charles was sent
            was off to basic training at Fort   back to Vietnam for his second
            Leonard Wood, Missouri.  After     tour.  While there, he was
            completing boot camp, Charles      made Senior Welder in the 5th

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