Page 50 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 50

training with the Alabama Army                                    being offered the position of Dean for
            National Guard, Carl transferred                                  the School of Education at Wayland
            to the Georgia Air National                                       Baptist University. Carl was ultimately
            Guard and served five years with                                  offered the Chaplain position with the
            a local Cyber Operations unit.                                    Plainview office of Interim Health Care
            Carl deployed with a portion of                                   and Hospice. Here, he continues to
            this unit to support operations                                   minister to those approaching the end
            in Afghanistan, spending his                                      of life, as well as to their families; helps
            time there at a remote mountain                                   in community projects; and assists
            outpost near Kabul. Carl                                          in strengthening Interim’s Veteran
            concluded his 21 years of military                                Programs.
            service, retiring June 30, 2016,
            having served seven years with                                    In addition to Carl’s military
            the Navy, nine years with the                                     accomplishments and ministerial
            Alabama Army National Guard,                                      service, he has published six books that
            and five years with the Georgia                                   are available on Amazon, Kindle, and
            Air National Guard.                                               Walmart. He also has poetry published
                                                                              in twenty anthologies. Carl also finds
            Following his retirement from military service, Carl   time to be involved with the Elks, Lions, American
            remained another year working with the congregation   Legion, and VFW. Carl feels that involvement with
            in Brunswick before moving to Henderson,             the community and service to others contributes
            Tennessee, where he served as the Veteran Liaison    greatly to a full and happy life and encourages those
            for Fred Hardeman University and worked with the     just starting out in life to make it a regular part of
            Pinson Church of Christ. In May of 2020, Carl and    their lives.
            his wife moved to Plainview, Texas due to his wife

                                                                    WE SUPPORT

                                                                    OUR VETERANS

                                                                    5109 82nd St, Lubbock, TX 79424

                                                                    4210 SW 45th Ave, Amarillo, TX 79109

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