Page 48 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 48
Carl Hartman A Man for All Branches
program for his parents back in El Paso. His
the Navy in the parents had started attending
summer between a different congregation, and
his junior and he attended with them and
senior years and met the preacher’s daughter,
left for basic Sarah, who was home for the
training in San summer from the college she was
Diego, California attending in Tampa, FL. For the
six days after high next two years, Carl and Sarah
school graduation. corresponded back and forth
After completing across the country until they
basic training, married August 12, 1994. She
Carl stayed joined him in San Diego, where
in San Diego their first child, John, was born in
and attended December of 1996. It was during
training at the this same period that Carl,
Anti-Submarine while still in the Navy, entered
Warfare Base in an understudy program with
order to fill his the preacher at Seminole Drive
role as a Sonar Church of Christ. After leaving
Tech, focusing the Navy on June 13, 1997, Carl
on passive towed lingered in San Diego for a year,
arrays. During working with this congregation,
arl Hartman is a retired his seven years before moving to Alabama
military veteran currently with the Navy, Carl served on to attend Heritage Christian
Cserving as a chaplain for the USS Marvin Shields FF-1066, University (HCU) in order to
Interim Health Care out of their USS Lockwood FF-1064, and the pursue a BA in Biblical Studies.
Plainview, Texas office. Carl was USS Benfold DDG-65. On the
born on Chanute Air Force Base Lockwood and the Benfold, Carl While attending HCU, Carl
in Champaign County, Illinois. was the Work Center Supervisor worked with the East Walker,
Following his father’s service for the towed array system, as Stutts Road, and West Huntsville
in the Air Force, he worked well as filling several collateral congregations of the Church of
with the Smithsonian Air and roles. One of those roles was Christ. Carl and Sarah’s second
Space Museum in Washington as the Protestant Lay Leader child, Daniel, was born right after
D.C. Carl’s earliest memories in the absence of any available moving to Huntsville in June of
stem from this time of living in chaplains on
Maryland until his father took a his ship. This
new government job in El Paso, gave him early
Texas, where Carl finished the experience in
last three years of high school ministering and
attending Eastwood High School. caring for the
Throughout his childhood, Carl’s spiritual needs of
mother stayed home to raise him others.
and his older brother and sister
and manage the daily needs of During this time
the household. of service with the
Navy, Carl met
Not wanting to attend college, his wife, while
Carl entered the delayed entry on leave visiting
48 Lubbock Senior Link