Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 51
Veteran’s Death Benefits:
Where Government Funds Fall Short
by Laura Landes
s Americans, we are humbled $4,000 to $12,000 needed for a funeral served their families well, protecting
by the selflessness of our and burial. In addition, as with all other not only them but their fellow citizens
Aveterans, the courage they government funds, massive amounts from our nation’s adversaries. But
have shown and the sacrifices they of paperwork must be completed until the government makes more
have made for this great nation. We which require an extended processing substantial contributions in death
find ourselves in quiet reverence as we period. These funds are issued as benefits for veterans, they must take
honor those who have fallen, whether “reimbursement” and are not available action to protect their families again -
active, inactive or retired. In addition, to the family at the time services are from debt, burden and pain. Having a
the U.S. military provides traditional rendered. plan of action today can alleviate the
and poignant military honors upon burdens of tomorrow.
the passing of fallen brothers and This dire
sisters, including the folding and situation begs the
presenting of the United States flag question: Has our
to the family recipient and a heart government misled
stirring rendition of “Taps”. The its military and
Veteran’s Administration also provides veterans OR do
a military headstone and even a spot in most just assume
one of the many National Cemeteries, there will be a
if one chooses to be laid to rest with more significant
their “brothers and sisters in arms”. monetary
However, the U.S. government fails to compensation from
provide adequate monetary benefits the government
that are so desperately needed during they have served
this critical time of loss. The allotment at the time of
for actual funeral services and other their death?
items needed at the time of the death There is clearly
of a soldier or veteran is greatly a disconnect
inadequate. between
expectation and
So many veterans are under the distribution.
assumption that, having served their
country with honorable diligence Preparedness
and unwavering dedication, their and knowledge
bodies will one day be laid to rest in are key. Veterans
a dignified manner on behalf of the need to plan
country they served. Although a fair ahead, know
assumption, this has not held true. The what funding
monetary amount a family will receive is available and
to assist in the funding of funeral make plans for the
services is from $300 to $2,000. This is difference in cost.
“a drop in the bucket” compared to the Our veterans have
Lubbock Senior Link 51