Page 47 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 47

A Man of                                                                                         arMY
 Quiet Strength                                                                                   Korean War

             also joined the Postal Service as a                               homes. Acts of service were passed on
             walking postman, where he served                                  to their grandchildren who joined in
             faithfully for 26 years. Lois served                              the singing at the “old folks” homes
             the community as a Bible teacher at                               in the summer.  Work was balanced
             Monterey High School for 23 years.                                with rest, as they were once again
             During this time, H.L.’s committed                                free to travel the country and see the
             love to his wife was evident in his                               beauty in nature.
             attempts to bring a little bit of North
             Carolina back to Texas.  With trumpet                             Even after the passing of his love in
             vines, roses, hummingbird feeders and                             1994, H.L. quietly continues to offer
             bird baths, H.L.’s love was tangibly                              his strength and service to his loved
             seen around the house and garden.                                 ones.  Living with his daughter, he
             Lois often said, “He doesn’t have                                 still keeps the roses and green things
             many words, but I see his love in the                             growing in profusion, both in the
             fresh roses on the table.”                                        house and outside.  His story is one
                                                                               of service and love for his country
             Even in retirement, the duo served those around     and family, as well as a quiet determination to press
             them. H.L. and Lois held church services with singing   through life’s difficulties.  H.L. Futch - a man of quiet
             and devotionals for the elderly in local nursing    strength.

                                                                       A Double Blessing

                                                                     Some years ago, a couple of siblings received farmland when a
                                                                    relative passed away. To honor their loved one, they donated the
                                                                    real estate to The Children’s Home Foundation in exchange for a
                                                                    Charitable Gift Annuity. Each of the brothers will receive regular
                                                                     income for life from the Gift Annuity, and The Foundation will
                                                                      use the remaining funds from the sale of the property to take
                                                                      care of wounded children for generations to come. In a recent
                                                                     conversation they stated, “We were amazed at the possibilities
                                                                      available. We are truly blessed. It has always been a win-win
                                                                                     with The Children’s Home Foundation!”
                                                                           This gift continues to bless both the donors AND children in
                                                                           need in our community. You could possibly realize a double
                                                                          blessing as well. Learn how you can make the best use of your
                                                                                 assets (i.e., real estate, IRA, stocks, etc.) today. Call
                                                                                   806-744-1500 or visit our website at

                                                                                        The Children’s Home Foundation
                                                                                                      P.O. Box 2449
                                                                                                 Lubbock, TX 79408


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