Page 45 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 45


              released but denied any calls out, even to his wife,   He admits he has had an interesting life, but
              until the job was done.                            according to Gene, living out of a suitcase is no way
                                                                 to live. However, as a result of those years they did
              Unfortunately, he also became a target. His motel   travel together, his daughter became fluent in 14
              rooms and cars were changed every week, and Gene   languages and today works as an interpreter.
              had two machine gun guards with him day and
              night.                                             Gene was able to spend treasured time with his
                                                                 sweetheart during her last years. As he said, “It
              There were four bombing attempts on his life – once   was a blessing the way she treated me, the way she
              after changing cars, once after changing rooms, once   loved me and the way I loved her.”
              after leaving the swimming pool, and once after
              leaving a restaurant where 50 people were killed.  So, if you run into Gene on the golf course, ask him
                                                                 to tell you about one of his adventures or just ask
              He was being targeted because of the cotton gin.   him about his family. You’ll be glad you did.
              If he got it up and running, the men would have
              to work, and they didn’t want to work. As Gene
              explained, “The government owned everything and
              paid them if they worked or didn’t work. [With]
              the bank, they never gave me any problems.”

              When his job was completed, Gene left for                    We proudly support our veterans.
              Damascus in an old un-air-conditioned school      Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country!
              bus in 120-degree heat during Ramadan. With a
              full gallon jug of water, which kept him alive, he
              grabbed his small suitcase and, from Damascus,
              caught the only flight out, which was to Moscow.
              In Frankfurt, he contacted his wife, letting her
              know he was alive, before making the trek back
              to Lubbock. He remembers that day tearfully.
              One of his more interesting jobs was in Iraq. “I
              always tried to study what the presidents of the
              countries liked. Then I would try to get in with
              them as soon as I could,” said Gene. For Saddam
              Hussein, the key was Old Prier Whiskey; that’s
              what opened the door. From that first meeting,
              Saddam treated him as a good friend, like
              royalty. That, of course, was when Hussein was
              on good terms with the U.S.

              In the 18 months he was there, he built two
              cotton gins, an Orlon factory, a gun factory
              and put the vaults in Saddam’s palaces. When
              Saddam fell from U.S. favor, Gene was called
              back to Iraq to unlock one of the vaults for the
                                                                                         5104 34th Street |  806.799.3677

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