Page 109 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 109

Joe Hargrove                      Four Years,                        naVY

                                                                Three Ships                        Korean War

                                                                by Larry Williams

                                                                                   machine shops and around
                                                                                   2400 sailors aboard doing
                                                                                   mostly repair work. On the
                                                                                   way over, we stopped in
                                                                                   Hawaii for refueling and
                                                                                   landed in Sasebo, Japan.” (The
                                                                                   ship served in Sasebo and
                                                                                   Yokosuka from June 1951 to
                                                                                   August 1954).

                                                                                   Joe recalled, “I stayed
                                                                                   there in Sasebo for several
                                                                                   months, then we sailed to the
                                                                                   Philippines and docked at
                                                                                   Sangley Point south of Manila.
                                                                                   I had to train the Filipinos to
                                                                                   work on our equipment; I was
                    he U. S. Navy has a         knew the Korean War was            only ranked 3rd Class and
                    large array of ships in     beginning, so he decided to        should have been a 1st Class
              Ttheir arsenal, especially        join the Navy. His mother said     to be in charge. A few months
              during times of war. During       no, but as soon as Joe turned      later, the captain wrote a
              the Korean War, there were        18, he joined up. He went to       letter of commendation for
              Carriers and Amphibious           Amarillo by bus, then took a       me. We had a few days of
              Warfare Ships, Auxiliary Ships    train to Albuquerque where         R&R, and some of us went to
              and Battleships, Cruisers         he was inducted.                   Hong Kong. I was transferred
              and Destroyers, Patrol                                               to the U.S.S. Laertes (AR-20),
              Frigates, Destroyer Escorts       Hargrove’s basic training          which was a repair ship. The
              and Minesweepers and              was at the Naval Training          first night, I was put in charge
              Submarines. Joe Hargrove of       Center, Elliott Annex, near        of the main engine room
              Crosbyton, Texas served on        San Diego, California. During      because the senior men got
              three different ships during      its two years of existence,        transferred out for dealing in
              his nearly four years in the      over 150,000 recruits were         the black market. One night,
              Navy during the Korean War.       trained there. Joe said, “After    I had just gotten off duty and
                                                basic, I attended a Class A
              Joe Kenneth Hargrove was          Diesel Mechanic school for         got into my bed when alarms
              born on February 6, 1933, in      ten weeks. We always had           went off. General quarters
              Crosbyton, Texas to Clark and     lots of fire drill training.       was called, and I heard, ‘Man
              Lillie. He had 11 siblings, four   The firefighting technology       your battle stations!’ My
              boys and seven girls. His dad     is so much better now.             battle station was the main
              was a farmer and most, if not     After that, I was assigned         engine room, so I went there.
              all, of the children worked       to the U.S.S. League Island        I didn’t even have a headset
              on the farm as soon as they       (AKS-30), a supply ship.           to get instructions. The young
              were able. Joe graduated          We supplied spare parts            head engineer handed me
              from Crosbyton High School        to the fleet in the Far East.      his headset. The captain said,
              in May 1950 at age 17. He         We had a repair shop, three        ‘Give me all you’ve got.’ I

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