Page 106 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 106

Charles Benge
                                                               Sort of a Standoff

                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                                                 I might not make it. I stayed
                                                                                 in the hospital for 49 days.  I
                                                                                 only went to the 8th grade
                                                                                 for 16 days that year.  The
                                                                                 principal graduated me on to
                                                                                 high school.  I wasn’t ready;
                                                                                 that was the worst thing he
                                                                                 could have done to me.  I was
                                                                                 always behind.” But he did
                                                                                 graduate in 1951 and went to
                                                                                 work with the Brady (Texas)
                                                                                 Aircraft Corporation. (Brady
                                                                                 Aircraft had contracts with the
                                                                                 Glenn L. Martin Company and
                                                                                 Boeing. The company opened
                                                                                 in October 1951 and, in one
                                                                                 year, boasted 1300 employees
                                                                                 with a $3,500,000 payroll.)

                                                                                 The Korean War was still being
                                                                                 waged, and Benge knew he
                                                                                 could be called up any day.
                                                                                 He enlisted on January 5, 1953,
                                                                                 and three days later, he was
                                                                                 drafted! He was processed at
                                                                                 Ft. Sill where he was issued his
                                                                                 first G.I. haircut and uniform.
                                                                                 Charles recalled a humorous
               t has often been quoted         Like many born during the         haircut incident: “One of the
               that “an army marches on        Depression, Charles was born      recruits  sat down to get his
            Iits stomach.”  While that is      at home to Alta and Charles       hair buzzed. The barber asked
            certainly true on a nutritional    J. Benge. He had two brothers     him if he liked his sideburns.
            basis, it is mail from home that   and two sisters.  His younger     The recruit said, ‘Yes sir!’ so
            keeps the soldier going during     brother, Alton, served in the     the barber said, “Well, they’re
            the long hard days, oftentimes     National Guard.  His dad          coming off, so get ready to
            thousands of miles from home.      was a farmer in Coleman           catch ‘em!’”
            Former Army Corporal Charles       County, Texas, and mom was a
            Benge was one of those who         homemaker.                        Eight weeks of basic training
            handed out those coveted                                             followed at Ft. Bliss in El Paso.
            letters from home to the troops    Charles attended grade school     Benge received orders for
            during the later months of the     in the town of Whon. “I had a     Korea right out of basic. After
            Korean War.                        ruptured appendix at age 13.      a short leave, he caught a bus
                                               The doctor told my folks that     for Tacoma, Washington.  From

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