Page 108 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 108

I bought a new car, a Ford         a job!’ Soon, I was working at    Charles has two grandsons and
            Fairlane. I met a girl, Vernelle   American National Insurance       one granddaughter. His wife,
            Morgan, at the courthouse          for $325 per month. I worked      Della, had read about the Texas
            when I was registering my new      for them for thirteen years. In   South Plains Honor Flight in
            car. A friend told me that she     1965, we moved to Lubbock         the Lubbock AJ. Charles went
            wanted a date with me, so we       where Vernelle got a job at       on the flight in 2014, noting
            went on a double-blind date.       Bearing Specialist, and I became   that his favorite stop was at the
            Vernelle and I were married        an independent agent in 1972.”    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
            on March 30, 1956. I drove to                                        and the Changing of the Guard.
            Lubbock with a friend to go        Charles and Vernelle had two
            to Texas Tech. I graduated in      daughters, Selicia and Allison.   Looking back on his time in
            1958 with a BA in Finance.         Vernelle passed away in April     Korea, Charles said, “I guess
            After college, I worked in         1999, after 43 years of marriage.   it was sort of a standoff.”  The
            Odessa, Texas for Biggerstaff      Charles married a second time     “standoff” still exists today
            selling mobile homes. During       (to Catherine Baldwin) in 2000;   between North and South
            that time, I met Eldon Daniels,    she passed away in September      Korea, 67 years after the cease-
            who wanted to sell me life         2009. He married his third wife,   fire agreement. American
            insurance. Vernelle said, ‘He      Della Manley, in 2012, but she    troops still help patrol the
            don’t need insurance, he needs     passed away in September 2018.    Demilitarized Zone.

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