Page 104 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 104

Michael Mings
                                                               My Dad, the Fixer

                                                               by Katie Crowley

                                                           Rhetha married.       up and out. Halfway up, they
                                                           “I chased her until   refilled their canteens from the
                                                           she caught me,”       little stream but were distressed
                                                           he confesses, but     later when they discovered
                                                           just two months       a dead water buffalo lying
                                                           later, Michael was    upstream from where they’d all
                                                           drafted.              been drinking.

                                                           Boot camp was at      After five months of being
                                                           Ft. Ord, California,   “a grunt”, Michael had to be
                                                           and immediately       Medivacked to Chu Lai for severe
                                                           after completing      stomach pain.   While in the rear,
                                                           AIT (combat           he was reassigned to an aviation
                                                           training), he was     supply depot for the remainder
                                                           sent to Cam Ranh      of his tour. Mess hall food was a
                                                           Bay, Vietnam. He      lot easier on his stomach.
                                                           went to “I Corp”,
                                                           Chu Lai, Americal,    When Michael’s year was up, he
                                                           23rd Inf. Div. B      accidentally overslept and missed
                                                           Company 4th/of        his first flight out. That meant
                                                           the 31st.             he had to clean urinals his last
                                                                                 day in Vietnam. He finally flew
                                                           His unit at Cam       out on Friday August 13th, 1971.
                                                           Ranh Bay was          Friday the 13th might have a
                                                           deployed to the       negative connotation to some, but
                    any people think when                  jungle for three to   the Mings family has a different
                    you are discharged         four weeks at a time. Like many   perspective. Due to crossing the
            Mfrom the Armed  Forces,           of his fellow soldiers, it was    international date line, our dad
            your fight is over. Often, that is   during those jungle tours that he   flew home from Vietnam on, not
            not the case. For my dad, Michael   was exposed to the dangerous     one, but two Friday the 13ths!
            Mings, U.S. Army Sergeant E-5,     defoliant Agent Orange.
            Vietnam 12 August 1970 - Friday    Most of those days looked the
            13 August 1971; primary MOS        same. The unit was sent to a
            11Bravo, Infantry, another battle   location to hide out and wait for
            was just beginning.
                                               the enemy. They were trained to
            Dad was born and raised in         sit very still, and many of them
            Hobbs, NM – the baby of a          subconsciously employed a blank
            family with five older sisters and   gaze called a “1000-yard stare”.
            a much older brother who had       Once, they were sent “three
            served in the Korean Conflict.     clicks” out into a box canyon
            He struggled throughout school,    but they got stuck. It looked like
            but he did enjoy fixing things. He   there was no way out. Michael
            was always looking for things to   had become friends with a Kit
            repair.                            Carson scout (a former NVA who
                                               had defected and been trained
            Dad tried to enlist at age 17 but   in intelligence). His friend led
            was too young. When he was         them to a corner of the canyon
            almost 20, he and his sweetheart   where some stone steps led them

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