Page 103 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 103


                                                                                  Working with a Daily Money
            COULD A DAILY MONEY MANAGER                                           Manager:
                                                                                  It is critical to note that the client
                                                                                  does not give up control of their
                                                                                  finances. On a mutually agreed-to
          Be Your Answer? by Paul Young                                           schedule, a Daily Money Manager
                                                                                  will work with a client in their home
                                                                                  or remotely, as both parties take
         Does financial terminology           Daily Money Manager financial       responsibility in working together
         about banking, online bill pay,      organizing services may include:    on financial organizing services.  It
         reconciling statements, budgeting,                                       is important that a Daily Money
         and monitoring suspicious fraud      •  Online bill payment              Manager ensures that the client
         activity all seem confusing and                                          understands and is fully aware of
         overwhelming, causing you financial   •  Reconciling account statements   how their money is being managed.
         anxiety?                                and monitoring suspicious fraud   A Daily Money Manager shall not
                                                 activity                         disclose any confidential or sensitive
         Have you been thrust into the role                                       client information without the specific
         of financial caretaker for an elderly   •  Spending plan and/or debt     consent of the client.  A Daily Money
         parent, disabled family member          reduction plan                   Manager shall provide services with
         or military veteran, and you feel                                        honesty and trust; the client’s best
         unprepared, along with not having    •  Organizing tax and other         interests will always take priority.
         the required time to manage these       important documents
         new financial responsibilities?      •  Creating a financial back-up plan   Free Consultation

         As a caregiver for a client, are        for emergencies                  To learn if services provided by a
         you overwhelmed with the             •  Providing monthly reports for    Daily Money Manager are right for
         responsibilities of managing the daily   client to share with a financial   you or someone you know, contact
         physical and health care needs and      team                             Paul Young at 806-368-9411, to
         find yourself unable to find time to                                     schedule a no-cost, no-obligation
         manage their financial affairs?      •  Reviewing and tracking medical   initial consultation. Member of
                                                 insurance claims                 the American Association of Daily
         Are you going through a major                                            Money Managers (AADMM) – a
         transitional life event, such as     DMM as liaison with other           membership organization comprised
         divorce, death of a spouse or major   professionals:                     of individuals who provide personal
         illness? Do you feel overwhelmed,                                        daily money management services
         stressed and time-crunched, trying to   Daily Money Managers are often   to their own clients and are trusted
         organize your daily financials?      tasked with jobs for a client that   professionals who abide by the
                                              require coordinating with other     AADMM Code of Ethics.
         Do you have a financial back-up plan   professionals, such as a CPA,
         in case of an emergency, due to a    attorney, financial advisor, insurance
         major health issue that would require   agent, social worker or health
         your spouse, a family member or      care manager.   The role of a Daily   For more information on AADMM
         Daily Money Manager to manage        Money Manager requires good           go to:
         your finances?                       communication and coordination
                                              skills to ensure all aspects of a client’s
         You are not alone!                   financial life run
         Yes, there is help out there in      smoothly and
         dedicated ethical professionals      seamlessly.
         (Daily Money Managers), who
         deliver essential, financial organizing
         services to a wide variety of clients,
         including seniors/older adults,
         people with disabilities, military
         personnel/veterans, people in life
         transition, busy professionals and
         others. Daily Money Managers bring
         clarity and order to an individual’s
         daily management of personal bills,
         budgets, and record keeping.

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