Page 101 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
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        (Swift & Greenburg, 2012). The      didn’t matter if I was suffering. I went   psychotherapy (Dore, 2019). Ketamine
        Centers for Medicare & Medicaid     back to what I loved, patient care.   is not a magic bullet, and, like other
        Services report that 50% of patients                                     medications, it is not for everyone.
        with Major Depressive Disorder      I grew. Mindfulness meditation and   But for me, my wife, and many of
        (MDD) have treatment resistant      seeing a therapist helped me to stop   our patients, it is a significant tool
        depression (TRD). This means        having panic attacks. I stayed plugged   to promote healing and alleviate
        that they have tried two or more    in with my faith community. I focused   suffering.
        medications/interventions without   on living from my values. I worked
        significant relief (Centers for Medicaid   on diet, exercise, and time outdoors.
        and Medicare Services, 2018). TRD   My wife was on the journey with me,
        patients have a 35% higher all-cause   making her own life changes, but her   Abdallah, C. G., Averill, L. A., Collins, K. A., Geha, P.,
        mortality compared to non-TRD       postpartum depression still lingered.   Schwartz, J., Averill, C., DeWilde, K. E., Wong, E., An-
                                                                                    ticevic, A., Tang, C. Y., Iosifescu, D. V., Charney, D.
        patients (Li et al., 2019) and are twice   Desperate for a treatment, I started   S., & Murrough, J. W. (2016). Ketamine treatment and
        as likely to require hospitalization   reading study after study about the   global brain connectivity in major depression. Neu-
                                                                                    ropsychopharmacology, 42(6), 1210–1219. https://doi.
        (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare   effectiveness of ketamine for mental   org/10.1038/npp.2016.186
        Services, 2018). The U.S. Dept. of   health. I discovered an entire industry   Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. (2018).
        Veteran Affairs reported that in 2018,   taking a different approach. Frustrated   Definition of Treatment-Resistant Depression in
                                                                                    the Medicare Population.
        more than 17 veterans a day commit   with the lack of options in Lubbock, I   medicare-coverage-database/details/technology-as-
        suicide. Let. That. Sink. In.       decided to open a ketamine clinic.      sessments-details.aspx?TAId=105&bc=AAAQA-
        Our mission at DENOVO Therapy       Ketamine was developed by the           Domany, Y., & McCullumsmith, C. B. (2021). Single,
        is to bring an innovative treatment   researcher, Dr. Edward Domino, in     fixed-dose Intranasal ketamine For alleviation of
                                                                                    Acute suicidal IDEATION. an emergency DEPART-
        to the West Texas region in hopes of   the late 60s. In a July 2021 interview   MENT, Trans-Diagnostic approach: A randomized,
                                                                                    double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Proof-of-concept
        reclaiming, awakening, and saving   with Hamilton Morris, he recounts the   trial. Archives of Suicide Research, 1–16. https://doi.
        lives. Denovo is Latin for “of new” and   story of the first patient who reported   org/10.1080/13811118.2021.1878078
        is applied to new creation or synthesis.   ketamine was the only medicine that   Dore, J., Turnipseed, B., Dwyer, S., Turnipseed, A.,
        Our slogan “Find a New Beginning” is   helped her depression. He laments    Andries, J., Ascani, G., Monnette, C., Huidekoper, A.,
                                                                                    Strauss, N., & Wolfson, P. (2019). Ketamine assisted
        not tongue-in-cheek or hyperbole.   not starting a study for ketamine for   Psychotherapy (KAP): Patient Demographics, clinical
                                            depression 30+ years ago (Morris,       data and outcomes in three large Practices admin-
                                                                                    istering ketamine With psychotherapy. Journal of
        You might ask, “Why spend the last   2021). Thankfully, researchers later   Psychoactive Drugs, 51(2), 189–198.
        four years of your life bootstrapping a   paved the way for ketamine’s use   .1080/02791072.2019.1587556
        therapy clinic?” You may or may not   as an anti-depressant. Like other     Li, G., Fife, D., Wang, G., Sheehan, J. J., Bodén, R.,
                                                                                    Brandt, L., Brenner, P., Reutfors, J., & DiBernar-
        be surprised to know the answer is   medications, ketamine is used for      do, A. (2019). All-cause mortality in patients with
        because of my personal struggle with   many things. For example, ketamine   treatment-resistant depression: A cohort study in the
                                                                                    US population. Annals of General Psychiatry, 18(1).
        depression and PTSD.  When I was 16,   is an anesthetic approved for human
        my dad was struck by lightning and   use in 1970 and an analgesic used      Morris, H. (2021). An interview with ketamine pio-
        died while we were on a backpacking   by combat medics in theater. Today,   neer Dr. Edward Domino.
        trip. This event sent me and my     ketamine has an enormous body of
        family into a 10-year PTSD haze. My   research supporting its use for mental   Serafini, G., Howland, R., Rovedi, F., Girardi, P.,
                                                                                    & Amore, M. (2014). The role of ketamine in treat-
        mom even wrote a book about it.*    health (Serfani et al., 2014) with      ment-resistant Depression: A systematic review. Cur-
        Eventually, I came out of it, mostly   clinicians and patients all over the   rent Neuropharmacology, 12(5), 444–461. https://doi.
        because the years ticked by. Still, I was   world endorsing its effects.
        not OK. It was only another 10 years                                        Swift, J. K., & Greenberg, R. P. (2012). Premature
                                                                                    discontinuation in adult psychotherapy: A meta-anal-
        before I finally sought counseling.   It took me a year to open the clinic.   ysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycholo-
                                                                                    gy, 80(4), 547–559.
        By then, things were worse. I was   My wife was our first patient. During
        depressed and passively suicidal.   her first ketamine infusion, she cried   Veterans Affairs Office of Public and Intergovern-
                                                                                    mental Affairs. (2016, September 1). VA releases 2020
        After a few years of therapy, I threw in   and hugged me. She said, “Thank   National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report.
        the towel on my high paid corporate   you. It feels like it’s lighting up parts
        job and went back to working in     of my brain that were asleep.” In the   *Healing Journeys with the Shepherd: A Practical Guide
        health care. I realized that my salary,   clinic, we continue to see exciting   for Grieving Hearts, by Mary Kay McCauley Stone
        401k, suits, and fabricated career path   patient results from ketamine and
                                            the combination of ketamine with

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