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          For Mental Health

          by Ben McCauley

            am the director of DENOVO        Mental health and
            Therapy, a ketamine clinic that   its relationship with
         I combines medical and mental       the society continues
         health therapy. You may or may not   to be stigmatized.
         have heard of ketamine (more on     When I tell people
         that below). At DENOVO Therapy,     what I do, I often
         all of our medical professionals    hear jokes like, “Well
         and therapists/counselors are fully   I’m glad I don’t need
         licensed and gifted practitioners.   that! I’ll tell ‘so and
         There is a beautiful synergy to     so’ because they are
         working at the juncture of these    REAL messed up!”
         two professions. By combining       This doesn’t tend
         the two, we are able to enhance     to exist with other
         both experiences of medicine and    medical conditions.
         psychotherapy. This opens up        For example, we can
         different options for care and gives   see when you break
         us a new tool for mental health. We   a bone because of
         believe that makes us unique because   an X-ray. Yet, when
         our innovation is in the combination   someone is suffering
         of ketamine and talk therapy. We    from depression,
         provide talk therapy, low dose      they often feel                      Currently, we have the ability to see
         intravenous ketamine, and ketamine   the need to hide it or downplay it.   into the brain and tell differences
         assisted psychotherapy for a variety   Additionally, they shame themselves   between a depressed brain and a
         of mental health conditions such as   or are shamed by their community.   non-depressed brain (Abdallah et
         depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar,   Often people do not seek care until   al., 2016). Soon, advances in this
         and even suicidality (Domany &      their suffering has worsened.        technology will reduce stigma with
         McCullumsmith, 2021).                                                    depression and anxiety to be like

                                                                                  the societal response to an X-ray
                                                                                  of a bone fracture. It is true that
                                                                                  there are many gifted medical and
                                                                                  therapy practitioners providing care
                                                                                  and counseling for patients that
                                                                                  get better. That is a beautiful thing.
                                                                                  Simultaneously though, large parts
                                                                                  of the population are not responding
                                                                                  to counseling and prescription
                                                                                  treatments. For those who receive
                                                                                  psychotherapy, 20% quit prematurely

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