Page 65 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 65


           Moonlight Musicals

             Part of the Theatrical History of the South Plains

           by Mimi Pappas

           Moonlight Musicals
           began providing large
           scale, family-oriented
           theater to Lubbock in
           2005, with the dreams
           and hard work of
           Founder and Artistic
           Director, Professor                 Professor Dolter, (Artistic Director),   From the hills of Austria to the
           Gerald Dolter. He founded the       Frank Rendon (Operations            streets of New York City, Moonlight
           company to provide local, live-     Coordinator), and Tom Laney         Musicals invites you to become
           stage experiences for his students,   III (Market and Development       part of the family. Every story told
           who were having to go outside the   Coordinator) have created the 2021   emphasizes the undeniable bonds
           South Plains for that opportunity.    season to continue providing warm   that family brings and how it
           Professor Dolter saw the stage at   feelings of community and heart to   shapes our lives.
           Mackenzie Park, with the trees      the South Plains.                   Moonlight Musicals is especially
           and water in the background, as     The season includes The Sound       excited to be back telling stories
           the perfect location for his vision.   of Music, by Rodgers and         safely in their Moonlight Musicals
           With the help of the city, local    Hammerstein, June 10-26; Honk! Jr.,   Amphitheater home this summer.
           foundations, and businesses, the    by Anthony Drewe, July 8-17; In the   Please follow moonlightmusicals.
           first production at what is now the   Heights, by Lin-Manuel Miranda,   com for more information about
           Moonlight Musicals Amphitheater     August 5-21.                        tickets.
           was Oklahoma! in 2006. By 2009,
           Moonlight Musicals was able to
           begin improving upon the original
           space with a roof, technical booth,
           ticket booth, and the pavilion that
           attendees and performers enjoy.

           Professor Dolter believes that the
           friendly, innovative people of the
           South Plains are what makes the
           Moonlight Musicals events so
           successful and meaningful. The
           people of the South Plains have a
           lot of heart, and that is part of the
           magic between the audience and
           the performers in the production.
           There is a heartfelt communication
           between the South Plains cast and
           audiences. Moonlight Musicals is
           honored to have such support and
           such a history with the community
           that people attend with children,
           friends, and neighbors, and even
           celebrate birthdays at performances.

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