Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 62

                                                     TO  Serve

         Retired and                                           Senior

         VOLUNTEER                                                          Program

          By Joan Blackmon

          Retired and Senior Volunteer
          Program (RSVP) provides
          volunteer opportunities for adults
          55 and older in the Lubbock County
          area.  Volunteers are matched
          with their time and talents with
          over 50 non-profits organizations
          such as Lubbock Meals on Wheels,
          South Plains Food Bank, Ronald
          McDonald House, Lubbock
          Literacy, local hospitals, VA clinic,
          Exodus Prison Ministries, local
          hospices, religious organizations,
          local museums, The Stocking
          Project, and many other projects
          (long and short term).  You can
          volunteer as much or as little as
          you are able.  Regardless of your
          abilities, we can find a place for you!
          In recent years, the economic impact
          of our seniors’ volunteer service in
          the community has been over $2.5
          million annually.
          RSVP is a federal grant-funded
          program, and there is no charge
          to join.  All personal information
          is kept confidential.  Lubbock
          RSVP will host thank you events
          throughout the year for volunteers   serve over 850 meals on a daily   “Thanks to everyone at Meals on
          and the community.  Volunteers     basis for individuals who are      Wheels for their hard work and time.  I
          receive free supplemental accident   unable to prepare a hot, healthy   never expected all the good things that
          and personal auto liability        meal for themselves.  In addition,   would (and have) come my way.”  ~God
          insurance. Lubbock RSVP has been   they provide holiday meals, pet    Bless, D.K.
          serving the Lubbock community      food, and weekend meals.  During
          since 1979.                        the recent pandemic, they were     “I am unable to stand and fix a meal for
                                             considered an essential service and   myself, so I enjoy the meal that I receive.
          A great example of the service     continued to provide delivery with   I thank God for the people from Meals
          provided is Lubbock Meals on       no shut down.  LMOW volunteers     on Wheels.  It gives me joy to have
          Wheels (LMOW).  LMOW recently      are often the only person the      visitors.  Just knowing someone will be
          celebrated its 50th year serving   recipient will see during the week.    by is a blessing.  Thank you.” ~E.P.
          the Lubbock community.  They

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