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BOOK REVIEW Senior Link is happy to reintroduce a regular book review. If you know of a local
author whose book you’d like to spotlight, contact us at
K.A. Townsen has been
blessed to be a Lubbock
resident for 40 years. For
the past 25 years, she has
owned and operated a
small, assisted living for
seniors. Her inspiration
comes from her family’s
commitment to adoption
and caregiving.
.A. Townsen beautifully no one had called her family before, parent herself. Through all these
paints the story of Hope, a Mrs. Bartholomew responded, “I experiences, Hope remembered
Kyoung girl who is removed think of you as my family, and I what she had been taught by Mrs.
from her mom’s care by social hope we’ll be together until the Bartholomew and strove to make
services. Hope’s time in foster Good Lord takes me home.” her proud. Hope concluded that
care is not an easy one. In the “Life will always have its ups and
first six years, she is in and out of Hope’s adult life is filled with as downs, but my life has been on an
foster homes and group homes, many challenges as her childhood: uphill swing ever since a sweet,
experiencing bullying, hunger, the unexpected loss of Mrs. plump, grey-haired lady decided to
sexual abuse, and physical abuse. Bartholomew, learning to live on do something special for a child in
Hope states, “I was just the ‘foster her own, balancing her needs and need.”
kid’ who brought in the extra cash wants, the disappearance of her
to pay the bills.” foster sister, her landlord dying Hope’s story is one that is filled
and leaving his possessions to her, with sorrow but also so much hope.
Hope’s life changed the day she navigating nursing school, learning It is a lovely reminder that we can
went to live with Mrs. Bartholomew how to have friends and be a friend, all do something to help someone
in the white gingerbread house. falling in love, learning how to else and that even the littlest thing
Mrs. Bartholomew treated Hope love and accept someone’s love can change someone’s life.
with kindness and respect. She in return, even becoming a foster
taught her necessary life skills, such
as cooking, baking, and gardening.
Mrs. Bartholomew taught Hope it BOOK REVIEW by Rachel Bloodworth
was acceptable to be overcome with
sadness, giving Hope the space she Rachel Bloodworth is a Lubbock native and a Texas
needed when those feelings arose. Tech University alum. She is a caseworker for Child
Hope became fearful when social Protective Services during the day but is an avid
services came by one day, thinking reader at night and on the weekends! Rachel not only
she was going to have to move does reviews for Lubbock Senior Link but also reviews
again. When she shared her fears to books on her Instagram page and
on her book blog
Mrs. Bartholomew and added that
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