Page 66 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 66


           HOSPICE CARE

               is also for

          & Families

            By Ronald J. Crossno, MD, FAAFP, FAAHPM,
            Kindred Hospice Chief Medical Officer and National Medical Director

                 ospice is widely recognized   patient. The entire IDT, including   may include traditional blood-
                 for providing high quality   the nurse and physician, social     relatives and relatives by marriage,
         Hcare for the patient                workers, spiritual care counselors,   as well as non-traditional family
         approaching end-of-life, but it is   hospice aides, volunteers, and      members including significant
         also more than that. Unique among    others, works with the patient, and   others, caregivers – anyone who
         Medicare benefits, the regulations   the family regarding coping. They   is important to the patient. The
         governing hospice specify the unit   educate on the terminal condition   hospice team will work with the
         of care to be both the patient and   and the dying process. The emphasis   patient to identify who is considered
         the family. Today, holistic person-  goes beyond the traditional hospice   family and, if needed, help with
         centered care emphasizes the         goals of physical comfort for the   paperwork for HIPAA compliance
         importance of the person’s entire    patient, but also acceptance of the   and recognition by the local
         environment and living conditions,   dying process and psychosocial,     jurisdiction in which the patient
         including their family and           emotional, and spiritual support for   resides. Caregivers may become
         caregivers. This hospice requirement   patient, family, and other caregivers.  family, as defined here, and family
         was codified into hospice at its                                         often become caregivers. Even when
         inception in the U.S. in 1983 in     Bereavement services are also       caregivers are not family, they
         recognition that the dying process   provided. These include pre-        also often need support which the
         directly impacts the patient’s       bereavement (i.e. anticipating and   hospice IDT provides.
         family, how the family and other     getting ready in advance of the
         caregivers are coping, and how their   actual loss) for both the patient and   Support for the family continues
         involvement with care impacts how    family. Patients often grieve for   even after the patient’s death. We
         the patient will do.                 themselves and need this support.   know that our patients and families
                                              Family members’ grief is greatest   value this. For patients with a
         A nurse case-manager coordinates     just after the death but may persist.   terminal prognosis, hospice remains
         care with the hospice physician, the   Family bereavement support is     the gold standard.
         rest of the hospice interdisciplinary   offered for at least 13 months after
         team (IDT), and the attending        the patient’s death, ensuring an
         physician (if different from         overlap of the first anniversary of   Questions about hospice care? Call
         the hospice physician.) Such         the loss.                           Kindred Hospice in Amarillo at
         coordination includes the medical                                        806-372-7696 or Kindred Hospice
         aspects of the patient’s care and    Who is the family? In simplest      in Lubbock at 806-748-1041. Learn
         also involves the family to the      terms, it is whoever the patient    about our family of hospice care
         extent desired and permitted by the   identifies as their family. This   providers at

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