Page 67 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 67


           Public Insurance Adjusters


                                                         they need one,” Tim      insurance company’s adjuster,” said
                                                         said. “People assume     Tim.
                                                         that if their insurance
                                                         adjuster tells them      The good news is that engaging
                                                         that they have no        Alpha Public Adjusters in your
                                                         hail damage to their     claim does not cost, it pays! If they
                                                         roof, that they don’t.   do not succeed in increasing your
                                                         Sometimes property       settlement, you don’t pay.
                                                         owners use their         Property damage claims are
                                                         contractor to attempt to   underpaid or wrongly denied
                                                         settle with the insurance
             t was a simpler time in 1985 when           company – sometimes      frequently.  A recent audit of 31
             Tim Adams began specializing     that works and sometimes it doesn't.   continuous Alpha Public Adjusters
          Iin negotiating disputed hail       The insurance companies know that   claims show that the insurance
          damaged roof claims in West Texas.   contractors are limited as to what   companies wanted to pay less than
          His father, a former insurance      they can legally do to settle a claim,   $500,000 combined, but after Alpha’s
          company claims manager, taught      and they often take advantage of that   work, the settlements were more
          him the ropes. Tim secured new roof   limitation and maneuver in the areas   than $10 million.
          settlements for many West Texas     where it is illegal
          School districts and other large    for the contractor
          commercial property owners back     to engage.
          in the 1980s and 1990s when it was
          still legal for a contractor to negotiate   “The vast
          a settlement with an insurance      majority of our
          adjuster.                           claims come
                                              from roofing
          With the passage of House Bill      contractors,
          1183 in 2013, it became illegal for   who recognize
          a contractor to negotiate a claim   that a licensed
          settlement with the insurance       public insurance
          adjuster. So, Tim got the extensive   adjuster has
          training required by law and secured   much more
          his public insurance adjusters license   authority to settle
          (PA) and formed Alpha Public        the claim. Most
          Adjusters, a Lubbock company        of the leverage
          handling all kinds of property      to get claims
          damage claims but specializing in   settled fully
          hail damaged roof claims. His son   and fairly lies
          Clint Adams is also a licensed PA   in the insurance
          with the company.                   policy itself, and
                                              it is a 3rd class
          Tim’s 41 years in the roofing       misdemeanor
          business makes him uniquely         for a contractor
          qualified to handle hail damaged    to engage in
          roof claims.                        discussion of
          “Most people don’t know what a      the insurance
          public adjuster (PA) does, or why   policy with the

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