Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 61


        purchasing farms and moving to
        Littlefield.  These promotional trips
        included train tickets, overnight
        stays, and meals in various
        hotels along the way.  Those who
        purchased farms moved their
        families and possessions to Littlefield
        on the train.  One freight car was
        provided for each family, and the
        man of the family was welcome to
        stay in that freight car with the farm
        implements and family possessions
        during the move.  The rest of the
        family had to buy regular tickets on
        one of the passenger cars of the train.
                                             courthouse should be moved from      Detention Center, construction of the
        There were 30 residents of the new   Olton to Littlefield.  The population   Lamb County Hospital in 1979, and
        town of Littlefield on opening day in   had grown to 6,558 in 1950; 7,236   the opening of Select Milk Producers
        1913.  By 1915, the town had grown   in 1960, and the town peaked out     Inc. which renovated the denim plant
        to a population of 250.  Agriculture   at 7,409 in 1980.  The town size has   building and started operations in
        has always been the main source      remained fairly level at around 6000   2019.
        of the community income over         residents for several years.
        the years.  Early on, there was a                                         Unlike many of the town names
        bank, several businesses, a library,   During the 1930-1970 period, most   around the South Plains like
        churches, and a schoolhouse. The     businesses were located on or near   Shallowater and Levelland, Littlefield
        city was incorporated in 1924.  The   Phelps Avenue downtown.  Since      has nothing to do with topography.
        first theater in town, the Lee, was   that time, business strength has    And George Littlefield’s namesake
        replaced in 1925 with a larger brick   increased along Highway 84 and     has become so much more than
        theater, the Palace Theater. Littlefield   Highway 385 in the south part of   his legacy. The community has
        College operated from 1927 to 1930,   town.  Significant business events   continued to thrive through thick
        when Gunter Christian College        in Littlefield history include the   and thin. The real legacy of our
        wanted to relocate to a growing West   construction of the American Cotton   town is its good people. Their pride
        Texas town.  The population reached   Growers’ Denim Textile Plant in     in their home, their commitment to
        3,500 in 1930; 3,817 in 1940; and    1975, construction of Littlefield    each other, and their hard work have
        6,558 in 1950.  In 1946, Lamb County   Plaza Shopping Center in 1976,     led to a good economy which points
        voters decided that the county       construction of the Bill Clayton     to a good future.

                                            Carrie Hanlin
                                     REALTOR /Office Manager

          M.Edwards Realty and Land

          212 Main Street
          Sudan, TX 79371
                                            Independently owned & operated

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