Page 57 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 57
to driving longer distances in the
Metroplex, and compared to all
the other Lubbock subdivisions, it
was the only scenic area available.
That started an explosion of
new construction. Many bought
multiple lots and built some of our
larger homes. We were no longer a
second home community!
Ransom Canyon offers something
for everyone, from young marrieds
just starting a family to retired
couples and widows. There is so
much to do here – boating, skiing,
fishing, hiking, biking, walking
and almost any other outdoor
the natural, flowing spring. Here Ransom Canyon incorporated as a recreation. The Ranch House and
you will also find the monument township. The original plan was island serve as a meeting place for
to the life of Christ, from his birth to offer a private, gated community all kinds of activities. Boat slips are
to His crucifixion and resurrection. and a second-home resort for available to rent yearly. The pool is
It truly is a sight to behold; all Lubbock residents. Buffalo Springs run separately, and you can choose
visitors are amazed at the beauty of Lake was the only other area lake to purchase a membership or not.
it. It houses a non-denominational and had mostly cabin style homes We also have a children’s park and
church that offers weekly Sunday on 100-year leasehold estates. It library located across from city
worship services, Bible study was hard to get loans to build hall. We have an around-the-clock
groups, an annual Easter Sunday under those terms. Ransom Canyon police force and the lowest crime
Sunrise service and a moving offered traditional home ownership, rate around. There is no other
Christmas Eve service. or a fee simple estate, which solved place in West Texas, and maybe
the problem.
I was born and raised in the Acuff anywhere, like Ransom Canyon. It
area, the farming community just With such a beautiful setting, truly is a different lifestyle that sets
north and east of Ransom Canyon. you would think we would have us apart from all other small towns.
I moved to the canyon in 1977 and boomed, but that was not the case. We like to say living here is like a
made it my home. I raised my Many Lubbockites thought Ransom VACATION EVERYDAY! Come
two children here, and it is still Canyon was too far to drive daily. check us out and see what you are
the best place for kids. They have In the late 70s, however, Texas missing.
so much freedom to roam. It’s a Instruments
safe community, and we parents opened a
feel good about letting kids be division on N
kids. Two school districts service Loop 289, and
the canyon, Roosevelt and Slaton, that started our
and both have bus service to the boom. The new
students’ front doors. people from
Dallas went
I received my real estate license crazy over our
in 1977 and went to work as sales little slice of
manager for Harold Chapman at heaven. They
Lake Ransom Canyon Realtors were already
in 1978. That was the same year accustomed
Lubbock Senior Link 57