Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 56
SECRET by Phyliss Lutrick
Indians roamed the will of God. When it was dedicated
Plains and would in 1988, it was completely paid for
capture white settlers and the 5-acre tract it sits on was
ansom Canyon is a unique
little town six miles east and hold them for ransom in the donated. The grounds and chapel
Rof Lubbock, located in the box canyon. It was easy to defend are maintained by volunteers,
Yellowhouse Canyon. against the potential predators that and it is a lovely setting for
roamed the area. weddings, Bible study, services and
It is at the eastern edge of the Llano meditation. There are numerous
Estacado on the North Fork Double In the 1930s, it was a favorite garden areas and a brick walkway
Mountain of the Brazos River. swimming hole called Pig Squeal to the chapel area that surrounds
Hollow, and kids came
Ransom Canyon was first from miles around to
developed in 1965 with the erection enjoy the cool waters
of the dam on S Lakeshore Drive and natural beauty of
after five years of planning. Before the canyon. It is still
that, it was the Johnston Ranch. On referenced on area
opening day, a torrential rainstorm maps as that. Now
washed out the bridge and delayed the same box canyon
opening until 1966. There currently houses our lovely Little
are approximately 550 houses, with Chapel of Brookhollow
a population of about 1,200 people. and its various
Homes range from $150,000 to gardens. The other
$2,000,000 and vary in size, age and spring on E Lakeshore
design. There are no businesses was developed with
in the canyon, only single-family a homesite and flows
residences. We Canyonites often continuously into the
say “Ransom Canyon is Lubbock’s lake.
best kept secret.”
The Little Chapel
Ransom Canyon derives the name of Brookhollow is a
from the days of the cowboys and treasure of Ransom
Indians. It was one of the few Canyon. It was
fresh water sources in the area, first conceived by a
making it a natural camping area lady’s Bible study
for travelers. The lake is fed by group known as The
numerous underground springs Share Group, and
with two larger ponds. They made possible by
are located on E Lakeshore and their determination,
Brookhollow. The Comanche dedication, and the
56 Lubbock Senior Link