Page 53 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 53


            The program is affiliated with    Sally also provides psychotherapy   Senior Housecalls were unable to
            the Combest Clinic, which is      for patients with mental health   operate their phones for a zoom
            a Federally Qualified Health      needs and assesses them to ensure   visit. COVID also prevented Sally
            Care Center.  Patients are billed   their environmental needs are   from enrolling new patients into
            for services through Medicare,    met, as well as providing service   their program, resulting in a
            Medicaid, and commercial          connection and navigation as      decrease in their patient load.
            insurances.  If a patient is      needed. Sally states that, most
            unfunded by one of these payor    often, their senior patients need   However, as COVID restrictions
            sources, Senior Housecalls offers   education on how to operate     are being lifted, Sally Coates and
            a sliding scale to assist them with   their phones and assistance with   her team at Senior Housecalls
            their health needs.               updating information for benefits   have a bright outlook.  Their
                                              from online platforms.            goal is to rebuild their census
            Sally states that they have learned,                                with the goal of reaching 400
            over the years, that, in addition   Like most agencies across the   patients, which will allow for
            to aging individuals, younger     South Plains, during the COVID    another Nurse Practitioner to
            disabled people face some of the   Pandemic, Senior Housecalls      serve patients across Lubbock and
            same health disparities as their   faced unique challenges.  COVID   the surrounding areas.  One by
            older counterparts.  Therefore,   prevented Senior Housecalls       one, Senior Housecalls intends to
            Senior Housecalls has opened      from making in-home visits for    make a difference with the people
            their services, on a case-by-case   most of 2020.  The staff of Senior   they serve by bringing care and
            basis, to the disabled population.  Housecalls managed to maintain   hope into the homes of those who
                                              contact with their clients by     desperately need them.
            Senior Housecalls provides        phone.  Phone visits were made
            primary care, which includes      by both the Nurse
            in-home medical visits by a       Practitioner and
            Nurse Practitioner and a Social   Sally; however,
            Worker. Senior Housecalls can     they felt that                      herrin
            provide lab work and x-rays,      this population
            write prescriptions and offer     of aging and
            referrals to specialists. They    disabled patients      h real estate
            utilize the Combest Clinic van    needed face-
            for transportation to specialists'   to-face contact
            offices at Texas Tech University   for a variety of                            ron herrin broker
            Health Sciences Center.  This     reasons. Home                               806.773.6512
            service is at no cost to the      Health required                   
            patient. Senior Housecalls        a face-to-face
            currently provides services to    visit or a zoom
            Lubbock, Slaton, Shallowater,     visit by the Nurse
            New Deal and all the rural areas   Medicare to  h
            surrounding Lubbock.              in order for
            Senior Housecalls provides much
            more than just primary care.  The   pay them for
            patients whom they serve may      their skilled
            need assistance with utilities,   nursing services.
            medications, relocation and/      Unfortunately,
            or medical equipment; they are    many of the
            referred to community agencies.   patients with

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