Page 54 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 54

                 Ralph Robertson

              Proud of My Papa                                                  by Cambria Robertson

                                                                                married, they had a baby boy,
                                                                                Cody Randle Robertson, who is
                                                                                my father.  A year after they were
                                                               years, the       married, Papa’s mother passed
                                                               family           away, and Mimi and Papa took
                                                               constantly       in five of Papa’s seven younger
                                                               moved to         siblings, raising them until they
                                                               new places.      were old enough to make lives
                                                               Olen and         of their own.  A few years before
                                                               Myrtie were      my father was born in 1975, Papa
                                                               following work   joined the Marine Corps. He
                                                               opportunities,   spent 3½ years in the United State
                                                               and of course,   Marine Corp and was honorably
                                                               they brought all   discharged in 1978.
                alph Randle Robertson, my                      seven children
                Papa, has influenced my      along with them. They moved to     When Papa returned home from
          Rlife in various ways, always      places like California, New Mexico,   the Marines, he went to work in the
           pushing me to do my absolute      Arizona, Utah, Florida, and then   oilfield for Hobbs Well Service out
           best. When I was asked to pick    back home to the heart of Texas.   of Rule, Texas. He worked there for
           one person in my life who has     Papa's family was extremely poor;   3-4 years and then got a pumping
           influenced me, I knew exactly     their house had dirt floors, and   job for the next two years for Crown
           whom to pick. My Papa has never   the family, as a unit, worked out   Central Oil Company. After he
           failed to make any of us grandkids   of labor camps daily.  They never   left Crown Central, he worked for
           happy, and he has always kept a   knew where their next meal would   three years for KMA Well Service
           smile on his face. Papa is the most   come from. The family stayed at   as an operator. During his time at
           selfless and positive person I know!   campsites while moving throughout   KMA, my Papa, Mimi and my dad
           He never has a frown, and he never   these states until they settled in   relocated to Quanah, Texas. Then
           waivers. He is always there for   the Madison community, which       KMA sold to Well Solutions, and
           everyone in my family, as well as   was located in West Texas. While   Papa continued to work for the
           others. Papa always seems to know   living in Madison, Texas, my Papa   company. To be supportive of his
           the right thing to say at exactly the   attended the school there when he   family, Papa also started pumping
           right time. He never fails to make   was a first-grade student. He then   wells on the side to make extra
           others around him happy, cracking   transferred to Paint Creek ISD and   money. After working for many
           jokes and making everyone laugh.   finished school up to his eleventh-  years in the oilfield, Papa started
           Family has always been his main   grade year. While still attending   an oil business of his own, LB
           priority, but he has truly touched   high school, Papa was an athlete   Services.  The company progressed
           the lives of many others.         playing multiple sports.  One night,   and grew, and eventually Papa
                                             while playing Rochester, Texas in   had to hire more employees. While
           Ralph Randle was born on          basketball, he met his future wife,   still working with Well Solutions,
           November 13, 1956 to Olen and     Susan Lavonda McGhee.              he went into business with his
           Myrtie Robertson in a little town                                    younger brother and started a
           outside of Austin called Elgin,   She came into my Papa's life; they   company called STRC. They both
           Texas. (If you have never had the   fell in love, dated for two months   continued to build the companies
           famous Elgin sausage, you are     and then got married on June 22,   in multiple areas of oilfield work.
           definitely missing out!) Papa is the   1974.  Mimi and Papa are still   Both businesses are thriving and
           oldest child of seven siblings and   married today. Yes, you read that   flourishing to this day!  My Papa
           was the role model for the younger   correctly: Papa was 16 and Mimi   came from absolutely nothing, did
           siblings from a very young age.    was 14 when they tied the knot!    not graduate high school, started
           Throughout my Papa’s childhood    Then five years after they were

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