Page 56 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 56

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          Senior                Senior                     Vikki Norris

                                                           A Senior Who

                                                           Loves to Serve


                                                           by Kaytlyn Bunting

                                                        Just out of high school,   Although currently retired from
                                                        Vikki married husband    a daycare she created, her life is
                                                        Cecil Norris on June 9,   anything but uneventful. Vikki
                                                        1973, but her wedding    loves spending time with her family
                                                        with Cecil wasn’t the    including her three daughters, two

         “I can do all things through Christ   first time she’d been at the altar with   sons-in-law, Brian and Todd, and
         who strengthens me.” (Philippians   him. In fact, they met because they   four granddaughters, Kourtney,
         4:13) This Bible verse, which is the   were both in a friend’s wedding,   Macy, Callie, and Kadee. One of her
         favorite of Vikki Bradford Norris,   and everything “just blossomed     favorite hobbies is cake decorating,
         accurately sums up her life of      from there,” according to Vikki. “He   a skill she has passed down to her
         compassion, ambition, and overall   actually had a sweet car, a 1969 Dodge   granddaughters. Under the helpful
         enthusiasm.                         Charger, that drew my attention to   guidance of their Mema, they can
                                             him first.” Using that to his advantage,   now make their own birthday cakes!
         Vikki’s eagerness for life’s adventures   Cecil took Vikki out to Char King   Vikki also has another granddaughter,
         always makes her the first one to   every Saturday night, a drive-up    Gracie, who was born with several
         arrive at any event, a trait she has   burger joint that was known for its   heart problems. “She had multiple
         had since the day of her birth. “My   fried pies and outstanding
         mother almost didn’t make it to the   smoke sauce. Although
         hospital,” Vikki said. “I was anxious   the last location closed in
         to discover this world.” But luckily,   1981, Vikki still remembers
         her mother did make it to West Texas   those nights with fond
         Hospital in Lubbock, and on October   gratitude.
         12, 1954, Vikki’s first adventure
         began. She grew up in Lubbock with   Vikki and Cecil later
         parents, Eugene and Jean Bradford,   had three daughters,
         and her brother Rickey, and she later   Amy, Kristi, and Robyn,
         graduated from Coronado High        and went on to create a
         School in 1973.                     beautiful life together.

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