Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 52
Some Dos
and Don’ts
of Long Term
Care Medicaid
By Lee Franks
edicaid’s long term care Before offering some dos and don’ts practice in this area commonly offer
benefits have become regarding nursing home Medicaid, a free consultation of a half hour or
Mcritical for the care of the please note: This article does not more. Even if one or more sessions
elderly and disabled. [Medicaid include actionable, legal advice with the attorney costs a few
for the Elderly and People with to anyone, and it establishes an hundred dollars, keep in mind that
Disabilities (MEPD) is administered attorney-client relationship with no nursing care costs $5,500 per month.
by the Texas Health and Human one. As always, seek the counsel of
Services Commission (HHSC). In a knowledgeable attorney to see if
this article, Medicaid specifically any part of this article applies to you
refers to MEPD.] In Lubbock, or yours. Knowledge comes
nursing home care runs about
$5,500 per month. Because the Dos (with the advice of a with a price, but
Medicaid assistance is so valuable knowledgeable attorney)
and taxpayer funded, an applicant Basic estate planning includes a ignorance can
must show specific medical need Will, Statutory Durable Power
and meet stringent income and of Attorney, Medical Power of cost far more.
asset limits. Those requirements Attorney, HIPAA Release and
have led to an abundance of rules Authorization, and Directive
and layers of complexity once to Physicians and Family or
all the statutory contingencies, Surrogates. Every one of these
exceptions, and exemptions are documents, when done with long Life insurance causes more trouble
factored in. Unfortunately, few term care in mind, has specific value with Medicaid applications than
care givers, social workers, medical in a Medicaid planning context. just about anything else, besides
professionals, or even nursing home giving money or property away
officials know much more than Seek the counsel of a knowledgeable (see below), due to the cash value
the basic rules. But an applicant attorney to learn about Medicaid of a life insurance policy. The
may need care desperately, and from someone who knows. person applying for Medicaid, or
while most people just want to Financial planning may have a role, that person’s agent, usually under
help, a nefarious few will see an but Medicaid planning presents a deadline, has to work with the
opportunity to take advantage; many legal issues, and ethical rules insurance company to obtain
it is no wonder that rumors, keep most attorneys from profiting information on a policy, surrender
misunderstandings, and outright from the financial transactions that a policy, or take a loan against a
fraud dominate what people think they may advise. Attorneys who policy. If the insurance company
they know about Medicaid. has received a power of attorney in
52 Lubbock Senior Link