Page 58 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
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Senior Senior Evertt McAdams
for the
Long Run
by Grace McAdams
vertt McAdams’ life of hard Evertt was successful in track, earning Coach Clark, one of Mac’s previous
work and dedication began him a scholarship at Odessa College mentors, recommended him for a
Eat the age of 12. He started and later Western Texas College position at Clint, Texas. Coach Mac
working at a local grocery store for 25 in Snyder. There, he met Estelle lived up to high expectations and took
cents an hour to help provide funds Fillingim, one of six sisters, who had Johnny Parra to state in track during
for his family of six, whose finances received a scholarship to play WT his first year of coaching. He also
were often low. He even worked at the basketball. Evertt invited Estelle and volunteered to coach summer track,
ice house on Sunday, when the store her twin sister, Mozelle, to one of and the program grew to include
was closed, for extra income. Evertt his track meets to watch him run. “I approximately 70 athletes. In addition,
does not recall how he managed to had never seen a track meet before,” the couple welcomed their first baby
get the 25-pound blocks of ice into Estelle says. “I didn’t know what a boy, Lacy Allen McAdams, in 1973.
the trucks as skinny and small as he relay was.” Mac ran an excellent leg Shortly after, the family of three
was at the time. Still, he endured the of his sprint relay and “threw up for moved to Plains, Texas, and greeted
physical labor without complaint for thirty minutes” afterwards. When he Ken Michael McAdams in 1976.
the sake of his younger twin brothers, asked Estelle what she thought of his Evertt praised his sons immensely,
Ben and Ken, and sister, Julie. race, she blushed and stating that “neither boy
responded, “Oh, did ever challenged me”
Evertt frequently moved around you already run?” and claimed they did
the Panhandle and Permian Basin Evertt now laughs at everything he ever asked
due to his father’s profession as a the story and says, of them.
pharmacist. At the beginning of his “Don’t try to impress
sophomore year of high school, he a girl ‘cause it will kill Evertt spent the
lived in Odessa, where he participated you!” The two were remaining 40 years of his
in football and track under Coach later happily married coaching career at Plains
Lacy Turner. Turner was a triumphant on August 26, 1966, and still resides there
instructor and inspirational father- the same year Evertt today. Mac coached two
figure to Evertt and fondly deemed graduated. relays that still currently
him “Mac.” Following in his mentor’s hold the Plains’ record:
footsteps, Mac attended twenty sports Mac sent out 13 letters the sprint relay of 1982
clinics before he even graduated high of application to and the mile relay of
school. various schools before 1993. In all, he trained
58 Lubbock Senior Link