Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 60
How to Build a Life
Byron Martin
by Jane Bromley
ccording to the website Byron Martin had
of LISD’s Byron Martin helped with the original
AAdvanced Technology Center, construction in the ‘50s
“the ATC is a priceless opportunity when he worked for his
(for Lubbock’s youth) … both for now father’s construction
and for the future. Our programs truly company. The building
enhance students’ preparation for reopened in 1997 after
the world they will enter after high LISD’s Bond Project
school.” Among the programs housed Manager, the same
in the ATC are automotive technology Byron Martin, oversaw
and auto collision repair; construction the $29.8 million schools, banks, and office buildings, as
(electrical wiring, welding, renovation. He was surprised upon well as many private homes.
plumbing, machinery); information completion of the project that Lubbock
technology (computer game design, school trustees had voted to name the While at Texas Tech, Byron met
cyber security, 3D modeling, facility after him. Wanda Jennings. The memory of
computer maintenance); arts (digital how they met triggered a big smile.
photography, animation, culinary Byron was born in Lubbock in Byron was a “green-cap” freshman.
arts); law enforcement; nursing (CNA, 1928 to Claude and Dixie Martin. The upperclassmen tasked him with
CMT, EMT); audio/video production, He graduated from Lubbock High collecting the names and phone
publishing, and communications; School in 1945 and received a numbers of girls on campus. He was
floral design and Ready.Set.Teach. degree in Architecture from Texas dutifully complying with a group of
Students choose a “cluster” and follow Tech in 1950. After working for an coeds on the corner of University and
a path that will equip them for a architectural firm for a short time, he Broadway. Wanda caught his eye, and
productive and rewarding life. joined his dad and his brother, C.B., he got her number. They married in
at his father’s construction company. 1947, his sophomore year.
The huge facility, located at 34th Claude Martin and Sons had built
and Ave. Q, was originally Globe hundreds of structures on the South After graduating from Tech, the
Shopping Center and later a K-Mart. Plains, including the main fire station, Martins were blessed with children:
60 Lubbock Senior Link