Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
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Texas Tech. His Hill Country, historic buildings and
last project there majestic elephants. His watercolors
was the erection evoke happy memories for the artist,
of the facility and the vibrant, colorful paintings
on the east side convey that joy.
of the football
stadium. He Byron Martin likes to use the word,
finally retired “swell”, an expression that indicates
for good in 2010. the positive attitude that has served
He and Wanda him so well for so long. His counsel
had lived a full to the Gen Zs who frequent the ATC:
life. They had “Work is important. It’s also fun!
traveled all over Whatever you decide to do is okay.
the world and Just do it well. Always strive to get
Lane, LeAnn, and Robin; and the taken their family better. Put God first; family second.”
couple built a home on 17th St. with them frequently. The evidence Byron Martin has built countless
where they lived for 66 years. The of a fulfilling life decorates his home. buildings, and, in the process, he’s
family business was responsible for The Martin’s love story continued for built a good life. His enthusiasm
the building of many of Lubbock’s 70½ years until Wanda passed away continues not only to sustain him for
homes, churches, businesses, and in 2018. “We were close friends - the rest of it but to inspire anyone
schools, but Byron also helped build sweethearts for all those years.” who is paying attention that they can
education in Lubbock by serving on do the same, no matter which career
LISD’s Board of Trustees from 1968 to Byron lost his wife, his brother, and path they choose.
1976. He retired from the construction his brother-in-law all in one year. It
company in 1985. was hard, but the
91-year-old knew
In 1988, Byron Martin assumed the he had to keep
role of Bond Construction Manager going. He had
for the burgeoning school district. taken up painting
During his tenure, he oversaw in the 1980s and is
construction of $100 million in as talented as he
school facilities. The bond projects is prolific. He’s a
included air conditioning all the charter member
schools; building and refurbishing of the Geriatric
countless classrooms in most of the Art Society which
city’s elementary, junior high and meets weekly at
high schools; and the construction of the Garden and
40 elementary school gymnasiums. Arts Center. His
The Advanced Technology Center work adorns most
was his “pride and joy”. He believes of the walls in his
in the mission of the center, which home, and much
is technologically and vocationally of it depicts places
focused. At the ribbon cutting on Oct. he’s visited with
5, 1997, then Superintendent Curtis his family – too
Culwell said, “The naming of this numerous to count.
facility is an appropriate expression Paintings of the
of our appreciation for Byron’s Great Wall of China
efforts on behalf of the education and other ancient
community.” architecture are
juxtaposed with
After retiring from LISD, Byron pastoral scenes
Martin worked for his alma mater, from the Texas
Lubbock Senior Link 61