Page 54 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
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          Senior                Senior                   Melissa Buxkemper

                                                         A Helping Hand

                                                         Along the Way

                                                         by Micha Redden

                                                       the Women’s Chamber of    - a person to count on. Cheerleading
                                                       Commerce which awards     was not only her passion; it has
                                                       a scholarship to a high   become mine as well. But she taught
                                                       school senior every year.   me that it is more important to be a
                                                       And she is a willing helper   better person, not just a cheerleader,
                                                       for many other worthy     inside and outside of school.
                                                       causes in and around
                                                       Slaton.                   One of the things Mrs. Buxkemper
                                                                                 taught me has changed my life for the
                                                       I had my first encounter   better.  I vividly remember when she
                                                       with Mrs. Buxkemper       told our squad in junior high that we
                   hen I look back on people           when I was in sixth       needed to respect all people, younger
                   who have made an impact   grade. She was the volunteer cheer   or older, specifically, the lunch ladies
          Won my life, without a             coach at the junior high. Early on, I   and custodians. I took the challenge,
          doubt, Melissa Buxkemper is the    noticed how much love she had for   making sure to say, “Hello, how are
          woman I think of. Although we aren’t   the sport and the children. She was   you?” or “Thank you; have a nice
          related, Mrs. Buxkemper is very close   a phenomenal coach, working days   day!” to as many people as I could. If
          to my heart. This is the woman I will   and nights to make sure our school   there was some trash on the ground,
          strive to be like in many ways as she   was well-represented. Excellence in   I tried to make the effort to pick it up.
          is the most determined, most devoted   conduct and appearance on and off   I will carry that habit with me long
          lady I know.                       the field was her ambition for us,   after graduation. Mrs. Buxkemper
                                             not only in our skills but also our   helped me not only with school
          Melissa is the daughter of Marlee   attitudes. “Practice makes better” are   activities, but her guidance really has
          and Sara Holloman. She has lived   words Mrs. Buxkemper was fond of    taught me how to be a kinder person.
          all her life in Slaton, where she   saying.
          continues to transform the lives of                                    Melissa lost two very close classmates
          people in our community by her     And she practices what she preaches   in a car wreck in 1967 when she
          devotion to helping others. She    as she steadily strives to be the best   was in the eighth grade. She lost her
          volunteers in multiple activities, like   she can be. It seems she would do   mother when she was 20. Those two
                                             anything for anyone if they needed   tragedies have led her to live her life

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