Page 49 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 49
Gradual Hearing Loss
by Gayle Willson
he epidemic of gradual brain function. The use of treatment Polly Wampler, also licensed, has
hearing loss is overtaking has resulted in optimism, where been practicing in this area for
Tsociety today, and it is not there was previous withdrawal 43 years. We are proud of the
choosing one age group over and depression, and in confidence “Wampler Legacy” and want you
another. Many are in denial, where there was doubt and concern. to know:
refusing to have a baseline hearing We see relationships improve, and You are our priority.
evaluation to determine if their those patients begin to participate in
hearing levels are changing over group activities again. We care about your
time. Untreated hearing loss is hearing needs.
becoming more common as baby Hearing devices alone are not
boomers are beginning to see the the complete
effects from their youth - loud answer. It takes
music, cars with loud engines, yard time with your
equipment, and gunfire. When the hearing health
loss goes untreated, individuals professional to
often become isolated. Feelings of get them adjusted
inadequacy set in, and many times and functioning
depression can be the result. best for your
lifestyle. We
When hearing loss goes untreated, have a staff at
we also see evidence of decreased Grand Hearing
reasoning abilities and cognition. Center who has
Thinking requires more energy been serving
from the brain, and actual studies the South Plains
using an MRI even indicate that area for 44 years.
brain capacity can begin to shrink We are willing
in size. Frank Lin, M.D., PhD, to work with
Johns Hopkins Medical, wrote, you to achieve
“Hearing loss should not be an the best possible
inconsequential part of aging (life) solution. Gayle
because it may come with some Willson, BC-HIS,
serious long-term consequences to is Board Certified
healthy brain function.” in the Hearing
Treating hearing loss has proven, in Sciences, Blair
research and in real life situations, Willson is
to maintain mental sharpness and licensed, and
Lubbock Senior Link 49