Page 48 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 48

learn - always. We were always    Clay Studio, and the Garden and   friendship with Li, teaching her
            doing something adventurous       Arts Center—and enjoys Plein     English and about Christ. “While
            together right up until the       Air painting, which is outdoor   we may come from different
            year before he passed away in     painting of the surroundings     places, and speak in different
            2009. He and I never regretted    with oil paint. Her favorite     tongues, our hearts beat as one”
            learning; I still learn new things   memories are when she and     (Rowling, Goblet of Fire).
            every day.”                       Howie would travel; he would
                                              read, and she would paint. She   Margaret lives in Lubbock with
            Margaret and Howie moved          never had a goal to become       her dog, Mocha, next door to her
            from Abilene, TX to Long Island,   a famous artist because she     son and his family: Patrick, Joy,
            NY, with the church planting      didn’t want to sacrifice the     and Erin Hodgson. Her advice:
            group called the Exodus Bay       important things in her life,    “Pay attention to things that last.
            Shore Movement. They both         such as her family and spiritual   It’s okay to enjoy the things of
            started teaching, and their       life. Margaret characterizes her   Earth if you don’t make them
            daughter Hilary was born in       art as a celebration of God’s    the main thing in your life. Pay
            1967. Six years later they bought   creation, which is why it is   attention to spiritual values, to
            a piece of land next to a dairy   representational rather than     the value of family, to helping
            farm in East Hoosick, NY, and     abstract. Her artwork is mostly   those in need. Material things
            then their son Patrick was born   plein air landscapes, dotted with   are fleeting. I’m starting my
            in Bennington, Vermont in 1969.   portraits of her family and still   yearly Bible reading again on
            Margaret taught elementary art    life objects.                    January 1st; each morning I read
            for one year in Long Island and                                    it, and it grounds me for the rest
            then stayed with elementary       Margaret has been a lifelong     of the day. I continually find
            art education for the rest of her   believer in Christ, and it was   new things about God, his Son,
            teaching career.                  the foundation on which she      and the Holy Spirit each day.
                                              built her life. She now attends   Listen to the wisdom of God
            Margaret has a continuing         South Plains Church of Christ    found in His word. The things
            interest in all things art but    and is involved in the Pillows   of Earth will fade away, so pay
            specifically painting. She is     Ministry there. The ministry     attention to the eternal things.”
            a member of the West Texas        presented itself as an additional   My grandmother, Margaret, has
            Watercolor Society, active with   opportunity to engage with her   lived a colorful life, artistically
            First Friday Art Trail here in    Chinese neighbor, Li Wang. She   showing God’s love to all she
            Lubbock—her art has been          invited Li to join the Pillows   meets, and I can only hope to live
            displayed at the LHUCA, the       Ministry and has established a   a beautiful life like hers.

            Article Submitted by
            Erin Hodgson                                                LUBBOCK CHRISTIAN

               Erin Hodgson is a senior at Lubbock Christian High School. She is the first female Student
               Body President in LCHS history and is also a member of NHS. She throws shot put and
               discus for the Track and Field team. Erin is a part of the South Plains Church of Christ
               Youth Group and enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling, and doing
               photography. Erin plans to attend Abilene Christian University and major in Business.

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