Page 47 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 47


          Senior                Senior

                                                                            Margaret Hodgson



                                                                            by Erin Hodgson

            n a letter thanking his brother   town of Alvin, Texas. Margaret, her   Since the age of six, when her
            for financial support, artist     parents, and her brother, Kenneth,   mother gave her crayons and a
         IVincent Van Gogh expressed          lived in a two-room worker house    grocery bag to color on, Margaret
         his overwhelming gratitude by        on the dairy farm where her father   has loved art. She was always
         saying, “I feel there’s nothing more   was employed. World War II        chosen to be the illustrator for
         genuinely artistic than to love      brought many job opportunities      class projects and the yearbook
         people.” Margaret Hodgson, my        in America, so before she was 10,   because she was, and still is, very
         grandmother, has expressed her       Margaret’s family had moved 13      talented. She majored in Art at then
         love through people and through      different times. Leonard pursued    Abilene Christian College (ACC).
         her art as well.                     a job in Vancouver, Washington, to   Later in life, she got her Master’s in
                                              work at a shipyard building ships   Educational Psychology from the
         Leonard and Lorraine Kamstra         for the Navy. “I was five years     College of Saint Rose in Albany,
         were proud to have a daughter,       old when the war ended, and I       New York.
         Margaret Ann, born on the first day   remember a lot of celebration and
         of spring in 1940 in the Gulf Coast   confetti coming from the buildings.   While at ACC, Margaret met the
                                                          The ship my father      love of her life, Howard Hodgson,
                                                          was working on when     when he was working as a model
                                                          the war ended was       in an art class she was taking.
                                                          never used in combat,   Howard had come from Canada to
                                                          but instead was         ACC to run track. Before meeting
                                                          used as a transport     Howard, she was keen on the idea
                                                          ship to bring the       of becoming a commercial artist
                                                          soldiers back home.     and moving to the Dallas area;
                                                          We attended its         however, Howard’s desire was to be
                                                          christening.”  The      a teacher, so Margaret abandoned
                                                          family finally settled   her dream and became a teacher
                                                          in Pasadena, TX,        also. They were engaged for 13
                                                          where Margaret          months and married on August 4,
                                                          attended Deer Park      1962. “Life with Howie was always
                                                          High School.            exciting. He was always wanting to
                                                                                  go new places, see new things, and

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