Page 43 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 43

suddenly understood him. When     your temper will
            so many people trust him and      only make people          Experience The Word
            are willing to heed his decisions,   think you are an
            he must take responsibility. That   unreasonable person.    with Christ The King.
            requires him to sacrifice time with   You should not be
            his family.                       so emotional; you         CTK students are challenged to achieve their
                                              should become more        full potential in a faith-filled environment.
            Although my communication with    rational in thinking      Contact us to schedule a personal tour
            my father has not been much, he   about problems.           to explore our school for your student!
            has taught me a number of things.   Small things are not
            When I was ten years old, my      worthy of anger; you
            temper was not good at all. When   always have more
            I could not get some things that I   important things to
            wanted, I would yell and throw    do.”
            things.  On one occasion, I was                                                   4011 54th Street    806-795-8283
            eating at an outdoor restaurant.   Looking back, I                      
            For some reason, I lost my temper.    realize that my father
            I cried and made trouble and      has always wanted
            smashed the bowl. Father did not   the best for me. His
            say anything; he just took me to   expectations for
            the car. I continued to cry there;   me have been high,
            he did not speak. I finally realized   because he didn’t
            that something was wrong and      want me to settle
            stopped crying. He gave me a      for less than I could
            napkin to wipe my tears. Then, he   do. He never said,
            said something that I have always   “Good job,” because
            remembered: “You are not a little   he didn’t want me
            kid anymore. There are billions   to think too highly
            of people in the world. No one is   of myself. Because
            obligated to stop what they are   of him, I expect a               though he was not around in my
            doing because you are unhappy;    lot of myself. I believe I am more   life much, I appreciate that my
            no one has to do everything just   mature and independent because   father’s influence continues to
            because you want it. We are your   of my father. I have learned many   direct me. Even though he is far
            family, so, no matter how noisy   life skills. Many children whose   away, his presence in my life is
            you are, how much trouble you     parents have important jobs suffer   huge. He is my giant. My guide.
            make, we still love you in the    because the parent has to sacrifice
            end. But others are different;    time with their children. So, even

            Article Submitted by
            Shirley Lyu                                                  CHRIST THE KING

               Shirley (Jiejia) Lyu  is the daughter of  Chaoyang Lyu and Hongyi Yu. She attends Christ
               the King Cathedral School, and her Lubbock parents are Dawson and Renea Samples.
               She is a member of the Student Council, the National Honor Society and is president
               of  Mu  Alpha  Theta.  She  has  won  State  TAPPS  awards  in  Math  and  Calculator  and
               qualified for the state Science Fair. She plans to attend university in the U.S. and major
               in Public Relations.

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