Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 15
story may be about his sisters sacrifice that I have learned
or about his parents. Maybe that love is powerful, especially
we will sit and look, feeling during difficult times.
nostalgia within the silence
as we revisit the tiny house My Weeta and Weeto keep
that holds so many memories. each other in balance in the
When leaving, we will pass by good times and in the bad.
another building, where my When encountering cancer, New look,
Weeto may tell me the story of their love for each other grew
my aunt trying to drink a cold stronger through their love for same quality
Dr. Pepper with peanuts in Christ. It is their love for each
the store that they would visit other that has taught me that
every weekend. God’s love is the most beautiful care you expect
love of them all, as His love is
My grandparents’ stories unconditional. and trust.
have also taught me the true
meaning of love. From hearing As I go into the extraordinary
about their 55-year marriage, world that awaits me after high
I have learned that love is school, the stories my Weeta
something more beautiful and Weeto have told will stay Owner/Administrator
and sophisticated than I am with me in everything I do. Nancy Kernell, R.N., CHPN
yet able to comprehend. The I hope that I will be able to with her mother,
power of love is fueled by the live the lessons I have learned Lydia Gaitan of Plainview
power of sacrifice. It is in the from them. I hope to teach
stories about my mom and others about love and sacrifice
aunt growing up that I have through storytelling, just as
learned the most about the they have done for me. Who
true meaning of sacrifice. My we are is in the stories we tell,
Weeta and Weeto worked hard and how we live those stories
so that their kids, and later on determines whether others can
their grandkids, would be able benefit by them.
to thrive. It is through their
Article Submitted by
Erica Martinez
Serving Plainview, Lubbock
& Surrounding Counties
Plainview: Lubbock:
806.293.2732 806.368.8039
Erica Martinez attends Lubbock High School, where she is
currently in her second year of the International Baccalaureate
program. She is involved in various extracurriculars, such as
choir (where she is the current Publicist), National Honor
Society, and Girl Scouts. After graduating, Erica plans on
attending Texas Tech University and majoring in Psychology at
the Honors College.
Lubbock Senior Link 15