Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 10
2 2 Judy Day
Senior Senior
by Jackson Arnold
assumed that she left with one child in college, one still at
n this modern era, women’s did not need a home and a dismal financial situation.
empowerment continues to be a university education. She was told In order to support herself and her
Iprominent characteristic of society. that she would find a man with a good children, she entered the workforce
However, this was not always a job so she could “fulfill her duties” as with little to no experience. In doing
reality. This movement was sparked a stay-at-home mom. That man ended this, she discovered her natural ability
and propelled by numerous strong up being her high school sweetheart, to sell products. When she put her
and independent women. There are and she followed him to Oklahoma saleswoman skills together with her
many examples of influential women, and then Texas Tech University where love and talent for art, she created her
although not all of these women’s he completed his education. Neither of own, independently run, business for
names will go down in history. That is their parents approved of the marriage; selling her artwork. Unheard of at the
why I want to honor my grandmother, however, they were in love and shared time, Judy Day became a successful
Judy Day, “Mimi”, as being not only a pleasant marriage in the beginning. businesswoman in Odessa.
one of the strongest women, but also Then, along came my uncle, Glyn Day Around the time she turned 45, the
one of the strongest people I know. III, and they decided to settle back in economy of Odessa entered a severe
Born in California, Judy was brought Odessa, where my grandfather became slump, and many people lost their jobs.
into the world in 1944, during WWII, a contractor with my great-grandfather. Judy prayed for guidance on what her
as her father served in the Air Corps, During their lives in Odessa, my aunt next move should be and was drawn
training fighter pilots for the war in Denise and my mother Kim were born. to apply to Texas Tech University. She
the Pacific. At the conclusion of the Married to a successful man, and with was accepted but was not entirely sure
war, her family moved back to Odessa, three kids, Judy had reached what she about choosing a major. A door opened
where she spent the majority of her thought was her full for Occupational Therapy, and
life growing up. She attended Odessa potential. However, she was admitted into the highly
High School, was involved in many her relationship competitive program, enabling
leadership positions, and chomped at with her husband her to continue her love for
the bit to meet new people. She told me declined as rapidly education. After completing
that she adored getting up and going as the economy, her courses at Texas Tech, at
to school every morning, seeing it as a and they ended up the age of 50, she pursued and
cherished privilege. in a divorce. With attained a master’s degree in
Upon graduating, Judy attended a the divorce and the Occupational Therapy from
secretarial college. Similar to many downturn of the Texas Women’s University. At
other women in that time, it was economy, Judy was the conclusion of her formal
10 Lubbock Senior Link