Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
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Senior Senior
Ryan O’Neal
My Uncle,
My Hero
by Equasia Walker
veryone has heroes. Some are My uncle, Ryan O’Neal, was born
celebrities. Some are teachers. on May 31, 1967. He and his wife
ESome are grandparents. Mine Sandy have three biological children,
is my uncle, Ryan. My family is Ryan, Jr., Jordan and Andre. Ryan,
complicated, but in a good way. I Jr. is grown and serving as a pastor.
was adopted at the age of two. I was Their daughter Jordan is in college,
living in Mesa, AZ, and a lady from majoring in Rehabilitation and
Wisconsin flew down to take me Human Services. Andre is a junior
home. She married a lawyer who was at William Penn Charter School on
only licensed to practice in Texas, a scholarship for football. They also
so we moved to Lubbock. My birth took in a young man with special
mother and some of my siblings still needs when he was a teenager. Josh
live in Arizona. My mother’s brother is now 29. Uncle Ryan is a good
Ryan lives in Philadelphia. I have example of what kind of person I
never lived in the same town with want to be one day, positive and
him, but we talk often, and I get to uplifting.
visit at least once a year. In fact, he
and his wife Sandy even adopted my Another reason my uncle is my role
younger brother, Zion. My adoptive model is because of his confidence
parents have made it possible for all and generosity. He never doubted
of us to have a close relationship. that he was doing the right thing
by adopting my brother or taking
12 Lubbock Senior Link