Page 11 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 11
education, her selflessness compelled Center. She continued helping and and continues her passion for art by
her to move to Lubbock to be near her serving others for the remainder of painting, drawing, and writing poetry.
two daughters who had children of her working life. Nevertheless, she She also enjoys reading and completing
their own. centered her life around her family and puzzles. Her love for her family has
In Lubbock, Judy began her especially her beloved grandchildren. not ceased, as she still attends all of my
occupational therapy career and After all these years, I am still amazed important events and makes sure to
worked with many different at how much unconditional love always show up early. With all she has
populations, taking time to ensure that she has bestowed upon me and the been through and all the barriers she
her patients, clients, and students had rest of my family. Even after a few has broken, she has sustained a love
the necessary skills to live functional different successful careers and many for God and an appreciation for life
and fulfilling lives. During one point accomplishments, she claims she that I can only admire. Judy Day is an
in her career, she even served as an is most proud of her children and incredible example for the generations
instructor of Occupational Therapy grandkids and how we all were raised. after her, and I am proud to be able to
at the Texas Tech Health Sciences Today, Judy Day is as strong as ever call her my “Mimi.”
Article Submitted by
Jackson Arnold attends Monterey High School and is on the Mock Trial and UIL Current
Events teams. He enjoys hanging out with friends, playing basketball and ultimate
frisbee. He plans on attending the University of Texas McCombs School of Business.
Students gain career skills for a lifetime.
To ensure student success in today’s high-tech, advanced professions,
Lubbock ISD provides a unique experience at the Byron Martin Advanced
Technology Center, an entire campus designed to impart real-world skills.
Across the district, 148 career and technical education classes in 15 career
pathways prepare students for a world of possibilities after graduation.
Lubbock Senior Link 11